A war started by a woman! See the Trojan Horse to learn the strange story!

Many of you have heard of the Trojan Horse, right? People always thought that Troy was just a mythical city in Homer's epic poems, until 1871, the German Heinrich Schliemann found the ruins of the Trojan ruins in Canakale, located in Turkey's Dardanelles, everyone knew that Troy really existed.

📌 : Tevfikiye Koyu,Intepe, Canakkale, Turkey
The ancient city of Troy is located to the south of Canakkale and to the north of the Dardanelles

🈺️ Business hours: 8:00-16:40
🎫 Admission: 20 lira

The ancient city of Troy is located in northwest Turkey, on the Trojan Plain, about 320 kilometers from Istanbul. The ancient city was the setting for the Trojan War in Greek mythology and one of the main scenes in Homer's epic poem The Iliad. The Iliad, an epic poem written by the ancient Greek poet Homer in the 9th century BC, tells the story of the "Trojan Horse battle" that took place here, so it also attracts tourists from all over the world. The huge wooden horse at the entrance of the ancient city is a metaphor for that war. We can even enter the interior to visit, although it is not the wooden horse used in the battle at that time, but we can intuitively feel it. Not far away is a statue of King Helen.

The legendary ancient city of Troy is now in ruins, but it cannot hide the classic battle and shake one of its world-famous archaeological remains, which is the proof of the entire Trojan civilization and is now one of the most popular tourist sites in Turkey.

The ruins of the ancient city of Troy are divided into nine levels, each with different historical and cultural sites. Here you can see the ruins of ancient walls, palaces, temples, theaters and other buildings, and feel the traces of ancient civilization. The ruins of Troy are also surrounded by beautiful natural attractions such as Troy National Park and the Troy Mountains. Here you can enjoy the unique natural scenery of Turkey and feel the peace and beauty of nature.

For travelers who love history and culture, the ancient city of Troy is definitely a must-see. Here, you can learn about the rise and fall of the ancient Trojan civilization, feel the thick history, but also enjoy the unique scenery and culture of Turkey.

So today let's talk about the story behind the Trojan Horse! In the old fairy tale, there is a battle that is remembered in history, its name is called "Trojan Horse". The story takes place in the distant 12th century BC, when people used their swords and courage to write an immortal history. The protagonists of the story are two powerful cities - the Allied Forces of Greece and Troy. The war between them lasted for a whole decade, like an endless storm that swept through every corner. The walls of Troy, a city in what is now northwest Turkey, were so solid, as if they had been given by the gods, that the Greek armies were never able to breach them.

The trigger of this war is a beautiful woman - Helen. She was the queen of Sparta, but her beauty attracted the prince of Troy, Paris. When Paris visited Greece, he abducted Helen and took her back to Troy. In order to get his wife back, the Greek city-states united to wage war against Troy. However, despite the heroic efforts of the Greeks, it seems that none of their efforts could break the walls of Troy. The war had reached a stalemate, and everyone was waiting for a turning point.

The turning point finally came in an unexpected way. The wise men of the Greek coalition came up with a clever plan. They built a huge wooden horse, hid their bravest soldiers in it, and then pretended to retreat, leaving the horse outside of Troy. The wooden horse was surprisingly large enough for several people to hide inside. The Trojans saw the Greeks retreating, thought they had won, and pulled the horse into the city as a trophy.

However, when night fell, the soldiers hidden in the horse came out, opened the gate, and the Greek army that was waiting outside rushed into the city and captured Troy. The success of this plan allowed the Greeks to win the seemingly hopeless war. This story later became the source of the idiom "Trojan Horse", used to describe the strategy of achieving one's goal through deception. It also reminds us that even in the most difficult moments, we should not give up thinking and innovation. Because in the long course of history, it is often those who dare to challenge the norm and dare to take risks that can achieve the final victory.


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