Sendai Two or three Things - Learn about Sendai you don't know

Sendai City Museum

It was once the Sendai Castle Sanomaru during the Edo period and is now part of Aobayama Park. Sendai City Museum mainly displays exhibits related to the history of Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City, among which the most extensive exhibits are related to Sendai Han and the ambassadors of IDA and Keijang to Europe.

It is worth mentioning that the museum's collection of "Ozhou Sendai collar paintings", which are 8 meters long, is a popular exhibit in the museum. Unfortunately, there is a lack of video data from the Sendai trip, and the pictures taken cannot be found.

Spiritual idol: Lu Xun's footsteps
Lu Xun, a spiritual icon in Chinese textbooks, left his footprints in Sendai to study in Japan. In downtown Sendai, next to the Sendai Museum, there is a bust of Lu Xun. There is also a monument to Lu Xun and a monument to the end of the war between China and Japan.

In addition, on the second floor of the historical materials Hall on the campus of Northeastern University, there is a special Lu Xun Hall. You can learn about Lu Xun's early experience and the story of his study in Japan. There is also a memorial statue of Lu Xun beside the historical materials Museum. The lecture theatre where Lu Xun went to school has also been preserved to this day, and is named after Lu Xun and is publicly displayed to visitors.

Sendai Higashi Palace

The Tokugawa Ieyasu Shrine is a shrine to Tokugawa Ieyasu, and there are more than 100 shrines throughout the country. Sendai Totoru Palace was built in 1654 by the second Lord of Sendai, Tadazo IDA, as a shrine for the worship of Tokugawa Ieyasu.

During the Chungzong period, Sendai was heavily supported by the Tokugawa shogunate due to frequent floods and fires. In order to witness the gratitude and reverence of the Tokugawa family, Chungzong used more than 800,000 workers to build the Tokugawa Palace for five years. In addition, Sendai Higashi Palace is also one of the national key cultural relics located in Sendai.

Some trivia:

Be sure to bring cash, whether it's buying a sleeping cat or a blessing belt from Master Tianhai or any other guard, cash only. The ATM's outside. Bring cash if you don't want to repeat the journey.

Outside the Yangming Gate, you can see two rows of lanterns on the left and right, of which there are two big lamps on the right side of the mountain direction, obviously different from the other lamps, these two were bought at a high price from the Henan people (not), the Dutch hands, dedicated to "the beloved general, the eternal god of Sendai Han, the Holy Lord of IDA Jia Ji", which is the last time that IDA Zheng Zong showed loyalty to Jia Kang. About the foreigners of Sendai Han, the museum series will be updated in the next few years, focusing on more artifacts from the Sendai and Tokyo museums.

The singing dragon, which has been ignored by many people, is a building with very Japanese cultural characteristics, and must be experienced. Although this is now a reconstruction.

Under the 16-meter-long flying dragon, each knock in different positions will produce different effects, the closer the dragon mouth, the more intense, as if the dragon is approaching, very magical.

There will be monks around the Tokugawa Iyasu Tomb, Tokugawa Iamitsu Tomb, Ranyonji Temple three mausoleum chanting in turn, you can closely watch the French process of Japanese monks. Sendai has a long history, and there are many sights to see or historical artifacts. Hope to visit again sometime.

Sendai City site

Sendai Castle, or Aoba castle. It overlooks Sendai City. It is also the king of IDA, Sendai is really everywhere the minister of IDA, Qingqing son is in my heart.

The current site of Sendai has no attics or walls. In its original place, only the base remains. Through VR technology, visitors can see the city of Sendai as it once was.

During the war, the castle has long been lost, but the foundation and some cornerstone of the building are still there, and the large stone walls and rebuilt turrets still retain some of the appearance of the time.

Sendai Castle was founded 400 years ago. The location overlooks Sendai city. On the highest point stands a bronze statue of King IDA riding a horse, not imposing. It is said that the great earthquake more than ten years ago shook the statue out of alignment, and now it is upright again. Many visitors to Sendai must take photos of the iconic scenic spot.


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