I'd like to show you the blessed country of Turkey

I finally realized my dream of Turkey!!

It will be true, I have been looking forward to this explosive Instagram network red card resort for a little over half a year, specially for it to arrange all the work, taking advantage of the 11th holiday to free 10 days, in order to be able to play a cool!
What were the beauties and frustrations of this painful and joyful journey? Landing in Shanghai for two days, dragging the residual pain of the body, can not help but want to share with you

This time I chose Emirates Airlines, transferring in Dubai, flying to Istanbul, it is a real "super long standby". The first day at 2 o 'clock in the morning was pulled up from the bed, flying to Istanbul is already 23 o 'clock in the evening domestic time, a full day of flight time, everyone is tired cry, do not want to see what scenery, back to the hotel to sleep.

Oh, and most domestic flights also fly here, so Istanbul is where most people start their trip to Turkey.

Tired of jet lag, I woke up around 7:30, full of expectations to experience exotic food, but the taste of Turkish food was really beyond my comprehension. In order not to spoil everyone's idea, I won't put the picture here, and finally I just ate a few mouthfuls of fruit.

Our plan is to go around Turkey, the time is tight and the task is heavy, and the traffic here can only rely on cars, so we started in a hurry at 8 o 'clock.

First of all, a road scenery map, basically looking out of the window on the inexplical thirst, say do you have a kind of Thelma and Louise feel?It was almost 8H later, and at 4pm we arrived at the first stop of the trip: Ankara, the capital of Turkey. Because it is a city on a hill, the scenery is beautiful,Just as you must go to Tiananmen Square in Beijing, the landmark of Ankara is the Tomb of the Father of the Nation!

It is the mausoleum of Kemal Ataturk, the founding father of Turkey, built in 1953. At that time, he led the Turkish people to overthrow the Ottoman Empire and establish the Republic of Turkey, and was elected as the first president.

The main buildings of the Mausoleum include Kemal's mausoleum and the porch and Victory square composed of ten castles such as "freedom" and "independence", which are quite imposing.
I haven't done my homework, but my white and orange brown dress looks like it fits in with the apathetic colors here. Mainly on the day of the sun is very sufficient, so pick up the mobile phone to take a shot is a big ~

There are many of his relics, images and valuable historical materials in the exhibition hall, and it feels that his status in Turkey is somewhat similar to that of our national father, Dr. Sun Yat-sen. But Kemal's remains are not here, only the sarcophagus.

So the mausoleum is also heavily guarded, each door has a handsome little brother standing guard, far away can feel a strong aura, let the uniform control I am excited to not hahaha ~

There's a change of guard here every half hour, and I just happened to catch it, so lucky! Hong Zhen, their goose-step looks not serious at all, even a little cute, arms and legs are raised too high, and not as fast as our goose-step looks strong, soft and slow.

The tomb of the Father of the Nation opens at 9:00 in the morning, but the closing time is different, 17:00 from May to October, 9:00-16:00 from November to April, those who are coming should pay attention to oh, do not miss the time.From the tomb of the Father of the nation, the sun has not yet set, we decided to drive to an ancient castle, said to be built before Christ, preserved is very complete.

Standing next to the castle, you can overlook the whole city, just when the sun is setting, and the sunset is sprinkled on the roof, there is a kind of beauty that cannot be said.Then, my picture?? Straight male photo level, this is already the best after taking a dozen photos, everyone together to see! (This photo was chatted off by someone......)

When we left, we also met a dog, guarding the gate motionless, like a guard standing guard, I immediately imagined 10 of the bitter drama of the dog's unfulfilled love, and received a male ticket.

Back at the hotel, we were all tired and had little appetite for Turkish food, and in the midst of boredom, my friend suddenly pulled out a bottle of wine from the suitcase!

I was stunned. She's a professional sommelier. Also specialized in the introduction of wine brands, many foreign large banquet, banquet have. Knowing that my drinking capacity is not good, she specially selected sparkling wine, which belongs to the aromatic sweet wine, 10% vol, the alcohol is not high, the whole family can drink, especially suitable for various party occasions.

We immediately opened the wine, ordered some food, and happily ate and drank. The taste of this bottle is fresh and sweet, which I like very much, the texture is soft, a little bubbly, and the mouth is sweet. Enjoying the exotic scenery, chatting and tasting wine at the same time, life is not very good at this moment!

Under the guidance of my girlfriends, I also made it a habit to drink a glass of wine every night before bed or with dinner. Immediately brought up by Jacob's Krikmoska, began to make wine and grow grass, which is now known to be a good thing. The first two days of the trip ended in drunken laughter, but no one expected that it would be my most relaxed and happy time......

On the third day we took a three-hour drive from Ankara to Lake Tuz, the second largest lake in Turkey, which has the beautiful nickname of Turkey Sky Land.It is so pure and holy because it is a salt lake and the source of most of Turkey's edible salt.

Summer is a period of low water, the lake area shrinks, exposing large salt flats, exclusively for salt mining. From a distance, the salt crystal particles of white flowers look like a layer of snow, or quite wonderful drops. Like a natural reflector, the light effect is especially suitable for photography.

It's a pity that when I walk out of here, I start to feel top-heavy and hot......

The initiator of the tragedy is the Turkish driver, I repeatedly stressed to turn down the air conditioning in the car, but he did not intend to pay any attention to me, turn it off and on, until now I still do not know what offended him!Hey! I also had to make fun in the midst of suffering, feel that their appearance at that time is quite in line with the popular disease Jiao wind, in the ethereal environment alone sad......

After lunch, we drove to Pigeon Valley, and I was shocked by the scene as soon as I got off the bus, the rocks in the valley were densely packed with pigeon holes, and I was afraid to commit a crime, the largest hole was as high as a two-story building.

It is said that this was once a cave place for local people, and now it has become a natural reserve for pigeons, which is also the largest environmental protection area for pigeons. I had streamers tied to the tree above me that people use to pray for good luck, and I might have wished that I could get back up to speed, but it didn't happen.

Anyway, Turkey of his own choice, ill on his knees also want to finish! What's more, I'm looking forward to Cappadocia

In order to see the sunrise, we arrived at the hot air balloon site at 5 am. Just arrived to see the staff has started ignition, when the temperature was only 4 degrees, cold I shivered, but think about soon to become a member of the romantic idol drama picture, fever is not a thing.

Soon it will be our turn to take off! Hot air balloon is by breathing fire to rise, before sitting also worried about safety, but in fact very stable, if you are not afraid of heights or do not look down, you are not afraid at all.

It turns out that getting up early is really quite good!! We witnessed the whole process of sunrise in the hot air balloon, feeling that the world is worth it! Everything in front of you has its own filter, the real romance makes people intoxicated, really think it will never land.

Every morning, hundreds of hot air balloons take off from here, scattered in the sky. It will almost rise to a height of 800-900 meters, you can overlook the entire karst landscape, this wonderful scene, as if you are in Alice's Wonderland, like a dream.

By the way, it is also the location of the movie Star Wars, when the director George Lucas is said to have traveled to more than 20 countries around the world, and finally set his sights on Cappadocia, Turkey, which he said was the most like the moon on Earth.

These huge rocks are unique landforms formed by volcanic eruptions, and after a long time of weathering erosion, they have formed the strange appearance of today.Let you deeply feel the above diagram ~ this is in the rotation of the rise, looking around the scenery gray often shock!!

The landing of the balloon is much smoother than I expected. It is coordinated by the air crew and the ground, until the base drops to a special car, and someone will help you down. The Turks were very welcoming, so the whole thing was quite ceremonial.Until I came down, I still felt more than enough, and rushed to take a photo in front of the grateful hot air balloon to commemorate my first romantic trip.

The scenery on the ground is also very special, in this season a dry grass, very western cowboy film tone, at that time I regret that I did not wear denim items, otherwise it must be special.


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