Can't finish, can't get out. It's heaven

Hand for people said: can not come out ah can not come out at all

I'm sure you miss the feeling of actually touching something beautiful offline with your eyes and hands. Before that, when I made the paper art flower issues, I accidentally found that there are so many people who love to make hands, and I found more after coming to Tokyo.

In fact, I also like to make wool and twisted flowers, so I know this in the process of chatting with my neighbors -- [ユサワヤ] there are really a lot of things, a variety of materials and colors of the origin of the fabric, as well as the texture and state of the wool are very good. All kinds of ribbons, lace, buttons, pins, handles for bags, twizzles, materials for craft flowers, fake eyes for dolls... Various styles and colors of needle and thread.

This is probably the happiness of real life offline. In fact, Amazon in Japan is also very developed, prime is faster and very convenient. But it seems that the Japanese prefer to actually walk into the store, feel and choose for themselves. This feeling of excitement and happiness, just like junior high school, every time after school to go to the school opposite the grid shop digging treasure feeling.

There's a lot of places. I went to Ueno's. Shinjuku's is bigger.
📍 Yoshiike Main Shop, Ueno Otomi, Tokyo ビル 7F

Amway is a great place to buy plants in Tokyo - Ikebukuro

Home office hours become longer, start to care about the home furnishing. Of course, planting is an essential part of it. Recently, I saw a blogger introduce a good place to buy plants in Tokyo, so I went to experience it immediately while the weather was fine on the weekend.

Location, Ikebukuro Seibu 9F, direct access to subway station, drive directly to Seibu Parking lot (total 5 or 6 floors)
The area of the store feels relatively large in the city, after all, it is a store in the mall, not a special flower center.

Plant type: succulent, cactus, root plants, bonsai, etc., the type is still relatively rich, many options. Price: Before going to the mall thought it would be more expensive, but found that the price is OK, not much more expensive than those suburban flower markets.

Schedule: Ikebukuro food ah can go to a lot of places, after eating and drinking, look at the plants pleasing to the eye, like to take home, feel is a wonderful choice to spend the weekend. And the 9 outdoor can enjoy the sun and drink coffee, avoid the trouble of poor indoor air, or very comfortable drop!

It was so much fun! Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture

Treasure mothers must come to Chihara Elephant Kingdom in Chiba Prefecture to play, zero distance contact with elephants, all kinds of animals are basically released outside, or you can go into the cage to pet and feed, just like coming to Thailand! The child is so happy!

It is divided into two gardens, Shiyuan ぞうの and サユリワールド

Ichihara ぞうの country is mainly elephant, there are about 10 elephants, the elephant performance starts at 13:00, and you can interact with the elephants after the end, feed the elephants, we made an appointment one day in advance on the official website of the baby elephant group photo, the baby elephant with a bow is so cute! Buy a radish is 500 yen, radish have bought 6 barrels! It's really edible! There is also a cat house, the wish of random cat can also be realized!

サユリワールド There are giraffe terrace and a variety of small animals put outside, once inside is the lemurs, hung all over my body, too enthusiastic! It is recommended that you wear clothes that do not mind if they are dirty, because my clothes on the day have been trampled by lemurs. But these little guys are really cute, soft and light. There's a crew in there, and they're basically covered in lemurs. Good laugh.

Then you go inside, and all the critters are out, capybara, kangaroo, a chicken, peacock, deer, alpaca, whatever. My suggestion is to buy a package of two parks and play until 16:00 in the afternoon. After finishing, we also stopped by the outlet in Kugatsu, which is about a 30-minute drive away! The day ended without a problem!

Elephant kingdom

Photos that need to be booked one day in advance on the official website:
ぞうさんライド Elephant riding photo: 4000 yen
ぞうさんリフト Photo of an elephant rolling you with his trunk: 2500 yen
もも Xia &ら Meng フォト baby elephant group photo: 3500 yen
On the same day, go to the パオパオ hall inside and pay first to get tickets. After the show, you can take pictures!

Opening hours: 10:00-16:00
Elephant performance time: 13:00 ~
The parking fee is 1000 yen, and the parking fee of the two parks is different. We park the car in Elephant Kingdom first, and then play until 14:00, and then take the free bus in the park to サユリワールド, which takes about 3 minutes. By the way, after the elephant Kingdom enters the park, the Thai restaurant on the second floor is delicious! Lunch is better there. The first floor is for hamburgers. サユリワールド I don't see anything to eat.

By the way, there are camping facilities here サユリワールド and there are other official websites. It seems that you can interact with the deer while having breakfast. I'm not quite sure about the specific situation.


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