It's addictive! Don't try Turkish black tea easily!

After a short stay in Istanbul, I fell in love with Turkish black tea. I don't know whether I like black tea or the environment in which I drink black tea.

Perhaps, everyone only knows that Turkey imports tea seeds or tea saplings from Georgia, but ignores the inextricable connection between Georgian tea and China. The long Silk Road, let us hold a cup of black tea through the tunnel of time and space, into the Hunan Tea Museum, into the colorful Turkish tea world, to feel the different aroma of Turkish black tea, explore the charm of this unique tea culture.

Turkish tea has a long history with Chinese tea. It can be said that every cup of Turkish tea is infused with the wisdom of ancient Oriental civilization.

Turks love black tea, love its warm and unrestrained, also love its relaxed, but also love its straight to the heart of the moist. The method of making Turkish black tea is relatively simple, but its unique way of making tea is closely related to China's ancient tea culture. The tea leaves are ground into fine particles and then put into special teapots. Turks like rich tea, so they usually boil it until it turns red, pour it into a cup, add sugar and lemon, and enjoy.

Through continuous innovation and evolution, Turkish tea culture has developed a unique way of making tea, called "teatime", based on the ancient Chinese tea art.

People gather together, enjoy tea and food, and talk and communicate. Drinking tea in Turkey is more like a way of life. They used to listen to each other's stories in the smell of tea. In Turkey, tea is not only a drink, but also an emotional exchange and an attitude towards life.

A cup of authentic Turkish black tea should be "boiled" out, and the teapot of boiling tea is different from the ordinary teapot, and the Turkish teapot is generally called the letter pot. The letter pot is divided into two POTS, the lower pot is placed on the fire or heat source to boil water, without a separate cover; The top pot is used for brewing tea. Grab a handful of broken Turkish black tea and put it into it. The bottom of the top pot will serve as the lid of the bottom pot. Wait for the water in the lower pot to boil and pour it into the upper pot to continue heating.

In order to find out how this teapot works, I went to the store to watch the staff cook tea, and even moved the idea of buying a Turkish teapot for the family!

The Turks say that for the best taste of tea, the tea should be boiled for at least 8 minutes and no more than an hour, otherwise it will only be bitter.

The tea cup is also very exquisite, the most iconic and most common in the restaurant teahouse is the "tulip cup", the shape of the cup body design can achieve the effect of heat preservation.

In Turkey, you can find places to sit down and have a cup of black tea everywhere - traditional teahouses, mobile vendors, coffee shops, and even on public transport - the Turks really cannot live without black tea.

Over the past few days, the rich black tea paired with the sweet and creamy baklava (pastry) has made me fall in love with Istanbul's street afternoons, and if my luggage allows, I will buy a tea set to go home and try to make my own tea!


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