Into the Grand Palais. - You're gonna cry

You walk into the Grand Palace and you cry

The Grand Palace is mainly composed of skyscraper palace buildings, Jie Ji Emperor Hall buildings, Jade Buddha Temple buildings, Wulong Biman Palace, the main building of the palace is not open to the public.
Main route: ▪️ Jade Buddha Temple - ▪️ Festival Base Hall - ▪️ Rishi Hall
Jade Buddha Temple:
It is also used to display cultural relics and architectural elements preserved after each renovation, objects dedicated to the jade Buddha and Buddha images, and objects related to the king
Hall of Law and Reality:
It is mainly used for state ceremonies, as well as funeral places for royal figures such as Kings, queens, and queen mothers

The largest palace in the Grand Palace, the Yuki Palace
It was built by King Rama V in 1876 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bangkok Dynasty. "Section base" has the meaning of "God plate" and "emperor", the bottom is European architecture, and the top is Thai style spire
Pass ticket: 500 baht (including Jade Buddha Temple, Grand Palace, Teak Palace)
Opening hours: 8:30am - 15:30pm (Full tour about 2 hours is best)
Metro Exit: Samam Chai 2 Exit station
Guide: Online ticket explanation 150RMB ~ 500 ~ 600 baht at the entrance of the scenic spot

The Grand Palace is really big oh ~ the first time I got lost ~ but witty I found a guide to the Grand Palace (follow the yellow mark on the map to go can ~), everyone can choose their own favorite attractions to visit
Of course, you can also follow the surrounding signs! (Then quietly listen to the next door tour group walking route, ba) Secondly, the weather is really hot now!! Remember to buy water and take care of the sun protection oh, the palace ticket office to sell drinks, not very expensive, so there is no need to buy outside.

① It is strictly prohibited to wear shorts, knee shorts, capri pants, ripped pants, culottes, tights, mini skirts, sleeveless shirts, belly-button tops, halter tops, pajamas, and see-through dresses
② It is forbidden to take photos of various improper behaviors
③ When visiting the Jade Buddha Temple, take off your hat and slippers, and no photos are allowed in the temple
④ The use of aircraft and drones is strictly prohibited
⑤ It is forbidden to take photos, videos, photos and wedding photos in unauthorized areas
⑦ No live streaming via social media
⑧ Advertising products or organizations is prohibited
When visiting the journey, everyone should not make a loud noise during the whole journey
Secondly, the Grand Palace is visited by many people, the flow of people is very large, we must pay attention to take care of the property oh ~

Bangkok New Train night Market

Where: Bangkok's new train night market, Jodd Fairs

Bangkok is currently ranked NO.1 hot night market, food stalls really good atmosphere ~ stroll to eat to eat too happy

There are a few more worthy of recommendation
Coconut Q ice
Super delicious, super rich coconut milk flavor, topped with crushed peanuts, fantastic! The most amazing meal in the house
Chicken kebabs, pork kebabs の
It's cheap and delicious! On average, it's only $3 a string
Sweet honey sauce is very unique, can not stop eating, continued several ~

Raw curing
Totally different from the domestic taste! Is Thailand's unique chutney secret!
Sour, sweet and spicy three mixed, just hahaha must try!
An avocado milkshake
Really great to drink, appearance level and high! Rich avocado aroma, fantastic, also dug out two large pieces of avocado flesh, taste refreshing! Highly recommended! Just 65 THB ฿

Fruit dressing
Appearance level super can play, carry the close shot, the skin is super good, but no consumption does not let the shot, drink 150฿, while others consume the shot!

There are also mango sticky rice, cheese corn, Thai pancakes, Thai coconut pancakes and so on
Address: RamalX Rd,Huai Khwang,Bangkok10310


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