Balloon ride to see the fairy chimney, romantic love Valley!

From the majestic Toros Mountains to the endless Black Sea, the karst landscape has given birth to Cappadocia, a World Heritage site in Turkey and known as "the most moonlike place on Earth."

Strange natural feature - Fairy chimneys

In the famous Cappadocia region of central Turkey, a number of grotesque objects have been found, formed by the collision of nature and man. The hard rock rises from the ground and stands on the land of Cappadocia, the top edge of the cylindrical shape protruding, forming a circle, like a hat, this ubiquitous stone column is called "fairy chimney", they are nature and time together to create the "miracle", scattered everywhere in Cappadocia.

These features were formed during volcanic eruptions, when the volcano deposited a pile of porous soft rock called tuff, which was later covered with hard basalt. In the 10th century (although it may have started 5,000 years ago), humans excavated tuff to create caves and catacombs that could hold thousands of inhabitants.
To really understand the full scope of these miracles, take a hot air balloon and, as the balloon rises, take in a panoramic view of Cappadocia, with the verdant mountains in the distance and the "chimneys with hats" in the distance, coated in a dim orange glow in the sunset.

The human experience is perfect here - Love Valley

There is a place in the world called "Love Valley", here is the birthplace of love, every day and every moment to the world to spread the fiber of love, legend is that the men and women exposed to the fiber will secrete a hormone, even if separated by thousands of miles, they can find each other, and happily ever after. It is Cappadocia, the Valley of Love, which has become one of the most representative stone forest valleys of the town of Greme and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Turkey.

There are a lot of natural structures that make people blush. Mountains are rolling, gullies are crisscrossed, and among the gullies and valleys, there is a "stone pillar forest". Different seasons of the valley has a completely different style, the autumn of Greme a dim, so that the mountains and valleys are deeper, the traces of stone pillars carved by the years are undoubtedly revealed, whether it is sunrise, sunset love Valley exudes its own unique charm.

The origin of Love Valley

From the 4th century onwards, Christian monks began to dig caves and churches on huge rock pillars, and in the 9th century, a large number of Christians fled from the invasion of Islamic Arabs, and Cappadocia became a refuge for the minority of Christians who remained to escape from foreign and pagan persecution.

Even today, on the roofs and walls of Cappadocia caves, you can see many exquisite frescoes from more than a thousand years ago. Although the Christians have disappeared from here, a large number of Christian buildings have been left here, and the civilization that belongs to Christianity has continued here.

The pillars of the Valley of Love

A large number of lava, soot accumulation, under the erosion of rain formed caves and vertical and horizontal gullies, wind erosion will gradually polish the rock formation into stone columns, only have the unique shape of love Valley stone forest. It is also because of the name Love Valley that it has become a popular tourist attraction.

There are endless stone columns everywhere, it is really a thousand rocks, thousands of rocks. Some are only ten meters high, and some are dozens of meters high; Some look like a slender telephone pole, others like a huge bunker. Some are light red, ochre, or brown, while others are gray, earthy, or milky. The surface of the rock is very smooth, constantly changing its hue as the sun and cloud shadows change.

At first glance to see this piece of "wearing a hat" stone pillar forest is really let people think of the imagination and can not help but laugh. "Fairy chimneys," as the Turks called them, were formed hundreds of millions of years ago when the Elgies volcano in the Cappadocia region erupted, spewing lava that changed the surrounding terrain.

Hot Air Balloon Prayer

You can go off-road or on foot. Walk through the stone forest, mountainous undulations, feel the visual impact and physical test brought by the love Valley. Hold your lover's hand to feel the temperature of the sun, and watch the sunset in the evening. Walking up close into this "mushroom forest" that seems to be growing vigorously is bound to be deeply engraved in the mind once again by its incredible shock.

Another popular way is to take a hot air balloon ride early in the morning and arrive at Love Valley just before sunrise. Sunrise oblique, love Valley stone forest shows a more three-dimensional outline, and the forest flying hot air balloon interwoven, embellishment, so that the dry love Valley reinvigorated the vitality of color.

As I sink my eyes into yours, I glimpse the deep dawn. I see the ancient yesterday, see all that I cannot lead the dance, and I feel the universe flowing, between your eyes and mine.


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