See the Sufi dance in Konya! A unique soul purification ceremony!

After half a month, we finally arrived in Konya, Turkey. konya, also translated as Konya, which is a homophone for Konya, is the birthplace of the whirl dance, has many signs of Sufi culture, and is the capital of Seljuk in the 12th and 13th centuries, the traditional religious and cultural center of Turkey, and is said to be the hometown of "Avanti".

This strange sounding place name is somewhat unimpressive compared to other popular areas in Turkey, many people use Konya as a stopover on their journey to Turkey, but those travelers who are in desperate search of spiritual healing and soul purification regard it as the best place for soul purification.

On the other hand, the spiritual symbol of Konya, Rumi's whirling dance ritual, Sufi Whirling dance, is a kind of poetic soul purification ceremony, conveying the philosophy of soul sublimation with its elegant dance. The dancers, dressed in white robes and tall hats, slowly twirled, palms facing skyward, as if in communion with the energy of the universe, each twirling filled with endless longing and reverent reverence for the gods. Watching a Sufi dance at night in Turkey is like watching a dialogue between the soul and the universe, quiet and profound.

It originates from the ancient Sufi sect of Turkey and is a manifestation of Islamic mysticism. The dancers rotate as if they were entering a mysterious world and talking to God.

Features and forms:

Beauty of rotation: The dancers wear colorful dresses and spin at a great speed, as if they were spinning fairies.

Dress rhyme: The long dress in the rotation dance, like a blooming flower, beautiful.

Deep religion: Sufi dance is not only a dance, but also a religious ritual in which the dancer rotates to achieve unity with God.

When the dancing monk first appears, he crosses his hands in front of his chest to represent that Allah is the only true God. The conical hat represents the tombstone, the blouse represents the grave, and the long skirt represents the funeral gown. The palm of their right hand is upturned as they rotate, indicating the acceptance of God's blessing and the energy that comes from Him. The head is turned to the right, indicating that there is no self and that God's arrangement is fully accepted. The left hand half hangs down, indicating that the energy given by God is transmitted to the earth and the people, and broadcast to the world. With the left foot as the center of the circle, the rotation direction is right-to-left counterclockwise, symbolizing that everything in the universe is oriented toward the spirit, wisdom, love and truth.

The turning dance exudes a mysterious atmosphere, and the dance movements also have unique meanings: the dancer's right hand accepts the divine grace of heaven, and passes it to the world through the left hand; Rotating with the left foot as the center of the circle means that everything in the world is endless, the seasons change and go round and round; The continuous rotation means that the dancer is getting closer to God.

The dance is divided into seven parts, suggesting the seven days of Genesis. This kind of dance is created for the purpose of meditation, through monotonous and simple movements, to achieve the peaceful and meditative state of religion.

In Konya, Turkey, Sufi dances are performed every Saturday night. But remember to follow the rules when watching, such as no photos, etc. In addition, cities such as Istanbul and Bursa also have the opportunity to see Sufi dance performances.

📍 Watch the Sema ceremony

1, Irfan Medeniyti, Friday 20:30+ Sunday 14:00, free. It is recommended to line up 1-2 hours in advance to collect tickets. I was at the Friday show, and I got the tickets after 6:00, and actually half the tickets were distributed at 7:00. All quiet, cameras and videos allowed. The scene is equipped with a large screen and bilingual explanation in local English.

2, Mevlana Museum Rose Garden, every Thursday at 20:30, free, no ticket collection required. Seats are limited, it is recommended to go 1 hour in advance. Don't cross the stage. Security will stop you. Before the ceremony, there will be an explanation in English. All quiet, cameras and videos allowed.

3, Cultural center, every Saturday, 50 lira. The rules are basically the same as the two places.

The charm of Konya lies in its ability to provide a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, return to the inner peace and reflection, it is not only a geographical travel destination, but also a spiritual pilgrimage, whether travelers seeking spiritual enlightenment or explorers with a deep interest in history and culture, Konya can provide an unforgettable and enlightening journey.

Watching the Sufi dance, it seems to enter a mysterious world. The rotating dancer, as if to tell us that life is a continuous pursuit, continuous rotation of the process. Every spin is a reverence for life and reverence for Allah.


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