Visit the ruins of public toilets and brothels dating back 3,000 years

Ephesus/Efes, a large city founded by ancient Greeks and people in Asia Minor, now largely in ruins, is a popular tourist spot in Turkey, and part of this once famous city has become the Turkish town of Selcuk."Ephesus" is the world's best preserved and largest ancient Greek and Roman ruins; On historical status Ephesus was one of the most important cities of Rome at that time; It's eight times bigger than Pompeii.

The Ephesus scenic area is about 3 kilometers near the town of Selcuk, and you need to arrive at Selcuk first to play in Ephesus. Either take the train from Izmir, which costs 32 lira and takes an hour and a half, as I did, or take the bus, most cities have direct buses to Selcuk, whose bus stop is conveniently located in the centre of town.

Selcuk is relatively small, in addition to Ephesus, there are nearby sites such as the ruins of the Temple of Artemis and the Archaeological Museum of Ephesus (I did not go, I guess many people did not go on a free tour), all within a 20-minute walk.

There are many tourists in Selcuk, and I asked the taxi many times that it does not hit the meter, so I chose to walk there (about 40 minutes), and I need to negotiate the price before getting on the taxi to avoid being pitted.

In Ephesus, I recommend entering the south gate and sightseeing along the way down the hill, so that it is not so tired, and there is a minibus to sit at the exit of the north gate, and the parking lot is outside the minibus stop.

The ticket price ofEphesus is no longer 200 lira, increased to 400 lira, this ticket price does not include the internal TerraceHouses ofEphesus, the ticket office is 100 lira, into the scenic area is 170 lira, was caught off guard. But the Terrace is here to see, and it is a real picture of life thousands of years ago, with apartments, hot springs, frescoes, churches.

After the north gate comes out, if it is by car, you can go to Hillinger town, and if it is the south gate, you can go to the former residence of the Virgin Mary.

Instead of sticking to the main road, try exploring the side roads around you; Of course, if time is tight, the third largest library in ancient Rome on the main road, the library's main door wall is embedded with 4 female statues, ancient theater & Colosseum (can accommodate 2.5w people at the same time). The baths ➕ the public toilets, the brothel opposite the library, there is a footprint carved into the ground to measure the male age. Don't miss the statue of Hadrian's Temple, the origin statue of the famous sports brand.

Celsus Library 📚(Celsus Kutuphanesi)
Completed in 135 AD, it is the most prosperous period of the Roman Republican Empire, and the interior has not been preserved because of the age, but it can still be seen that the heart and careful carving when it was built. There is also a piece of the world's earliest advertisement ~ is the advertisement on the marble, according to legend, want to go into the red light district must be bigger than the advertisement to go in).

Do you know where Nike✔️ inspiration comes from on your feet?

The creation is inspired by Nike, the goddess of victory in Greek mythology. Nike, the goddess of victory with a pair of wings, is the goddess of strength, speed and victory. The pattern is inspired by the position under the Goddess of Victory).

Home of the Virgin Mary
A 10-minute drive will take you to the Virgin Mary House, which is said to be the place where Jesus left Israel after his crucifixion and moved to Turkey for the rest of his life. The house is located in the lush woods, the site has a small church, the Madonna image, every year on August 25 Christians come here to hold a prayer service to commemorate the anniversary of the death of the Madonna.
If you are tired of the hustle and bustle of tourists, the Turkish town of Selcuk is a quiet town that should not be missed, among which the ruins of the city of Ephesus are the most famous local attractions, but also an important center of early Christianity, is one of the places that many churchgoers must visit. In the old days there was a sea where everyone would gather to trade. Ephesus was also the first city in the world to be built entirely of white marble.

Temple of Hadrian
When you step into the ruins of Hadrian's Temple, you are transported back in time to the glory days of the Roman Empire. The temple was built in honor of Hadrian, the second fifth emperor of the Roman Empire, who was known for his wisdom and architectural talent.

Although the ruins of the temple have been affected by time and natural erosion, their grandeur and magnificence are still breathtaking. Remnants of marble columns can be seen, fragments of once ornate frescoes, and a shrine in the center of the temple that is said to have once housed a statue of Hadrian. Standing next to these ancient ruins, you will be shocked by the wisdom of ancient architects and the skills of artists, and feel the glory of ancient civilization.

Around the temple of Hadrian, you will see information boards detailing the historical and cultural background of the temple. This information will give you a better understanding of the importance of this place and its place in the ancient Roman world.

☑️ The ancient city of Ephesus has two entrances: north and south. Tour groups usually let visitors enter from the south and exit from the north.
1 Self-driving friends suggest that you can in turn park at the north gate to visit the grand theater, so that you can stagger the large wave of tourists to photograph the unmanned theater; 2 If there is no suggestion to rent a car early so few people good to take pictures after the north gate can directly do a small bus back to Selcuk town.
☑️ Bring water! Bring water! Otherwise the scenic spot to buy water is very bad!

The ruins of Ephesus today, 82% of which are said to be buried underground, are impressive enough. Before and after visiting Ephesus, it is highly recommended to visit the "Ephesus Museum" to learn about the historical background so that it will be more immersive


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