Make your own Aladdin lamp in Istanbul!

The Georgian walkthrough isn't finished yet. We're already in Turkey.

Turkish Mosaic lamps have a long history, dating back to 5,000 years ago. They are inspired by the lights and decorations of the old sultan's palace and incorporate the colors of Ottoman culture.

Today, I participated in a super interesting experience in Istanbul, making a Turkish Mosaic lamp by hand. I am used to seeing the Mosaic lamps sold on the streets of every Arab country, and making one by hand is the first time. It's not far from Galatata.

📍 is located in the new quarter of Istanbul's European District

Traditional Turkish Mosaic lamps are handmade, each with the author's unique ingenuity and creativity, each one is unique. It is said that these collages of stained glass, no matter how many centuries of time will not lose their original color and light.

This also makes countless visitors to Turkey love them, and every year countless Mosaic lamps are bought by visitors and brought to every corner of the world. There are many lighting shops in the streets of Turkey, which are densely hung with this pure handmade lamp, entering such a shop is almost a visual challenge, dazzling streamers, colorful flickers, like wandering in the ocean of art, really will let you back to God for a while.

According to Turkish locals, stained glass lighting can be divided into three kinds of painting, hand painting and Mosaic paste.

Painting is the cutting of glass wrapped in copper foil, and then welded to complete, lasting a long time.

Hand painting is first painted in the glass, and then after high temperature baking, repeated three times, and finally affixed a fixed layer of protective film, this method is usually frosted glass and imported pigments.

Mosaic paste refers to the broken glass painted on the surface of the surface. This method has a strong three-dimensional sense, but because the broken glass must be pasted on one piece, it is quite time-consuming. If hidden in the dark, just a little light, in the exchange of refraction and reflection, it has been shining.

Each of these three methods is very energy-consuming, and it is said that an experienced craftsman can only make a few lamps a month.

There are plenty of other lights in the studio to use as inspiration, and of course host always encourages people to create their own, the atmosphere is relaxed Will patiently explain the production process, first pick some glass fragments and then piece together the shape, and then paste one piece to the glass lampshade.There are also Turkish delight and Turkish tea, and everyone eats and drinks while doing crafts.

The lights are beautiful, the people are so handsome, it's amazing! If you go to Turkey, you must go to this light shop in the European New district of Istanbul!

Imagine the way they attentively paste a small piece of stained glass on the lamp, do you cherish these exquisite works of art in front of you?

The price of the experience is about 300 RMB, and the time slot needs to be booked in advance. There are 5 shows every day, and it takes about 3 hours to finish. I went to the night view at 5 PM. Turkey at night is definitely the most enchanting scenery in the country, and when night falls, the colorful Mosaic lights add infinite charm to the streets. From a distance is endless gorgeous color, from a close look is amazing exquisite craftsmanship, it is really hard not to fall in love with this land.

Every country has its own unique charm, this passionate color, belongs to Turkey.


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