This is the closest Turkey is to Greece! We can locate it to Greece!

Izmir is the third most popular city in Turkey. Although Izmir is one of the most popular summer vacation destinations, I can quite responsibly say that it is beautiful in every season. In addition, as the city is close to the Mediterranean Sea, you can easily find delicious seafood restaurants here. Since ancient times, the city has been the center of the agricultural region along the Aegean Sea, and Izmir also retains many places of interest, such as the ancient bell tower, the 15th century Hisar Mosque and the ruins of the Temple of Artemi, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

【 Must-See Attractions 】

📍 Izmir Bell Tower

Built in 1901, the Izmir landmark is a late Ottoman building with a very historical bell tower. The clock tower is equipped with clocks on all four sides, and there are many local residents and tourists alike, making it a popular spot to take photos and punch the clock. In front of the clock tower is the blue sea, attracting tourists from all over the world to watch, take photos and punch the clock. Here the scenery is pleasant, from time to time there will be flocks of pigeons flying down, tourists can also stop the hurried pace to bask in the sun to feed the pigeons, enjoy this moment of comfort and slow rhythm.

After visiting here, you can walk to the nearby Kemeralti Bazaar, the Bazaar, where there are plenty of local handicrafts to stroll around. After visiting the market, return to the drop-off place, and then stroll along the seaside, which can see a lot of jellyfish. The buildings around the square are also the Izmir City Hall, Kunak Mosque and so on.

📍 Izmir Great Lift

Take the Izmir Lift up to see the whole city, which seems to be recommended only by overseas travel sites like Tripadvisor. Overlooking the whole city, the coastline is very beautiful, a kind of Weihai feeling, it seems that I have always liked this type of place. The elevator was built in 1907 to allow residents to travel between the Kaficale and Camorlo districts. It connects the waterfront to the Highlands, and there is an observation deck at the top of the lift with views of Izmir Bay.

Down the elevator is a very delicious street, many people drink afternoon tea here, there is a big head face in the corner, very funny!

📍 Bergamar

Bergamon is also known as Pergamon, yes, after the Museum Island in Berlin, Germany, because many of the Pergamon Museum's exhibits were acquired in Bergamon in the 19th century.

A hundred kilometers north of Izmir, suitable for driving, the city today is small, sandwiched between a narrow valley with the famous Acropolis and the Temple of Medicine on either side, and a museum and red church on the main street to visit. The city is not a natural general accommodation, it is recommended to live in the big city Izmir, but also easy to go to Ephesus or Cesme the next day.

The drive from the museum to Asklepion, the temple of Medicine, is technically challenging as it is reached by turning and climbing through extremely narrow streets. This building complex is actually a large complex of functions such as a hospital sanitarium temple, with a stone column with a spirit snake pattern, which is somewhat similar to China, and you can also see the music tunnel and theater for the treatment of patients and the temple.

Minority attractions in the light rain actually became a private field, only one accompanied all the way. Shooting on rainy days is actually more atmospheric, with high saturation, and you can also use the reflection of the water. The road in the scenic spot is not good to go, puddles and puddles are everywhere, in addition to walking carefully, shoe choice is very important. Walk and pat for more than an hour.

Down the hill on the main street you can see the red church, unknown but easy to photograph, can be beautiful or vicissitudes, there is a small parking lot is also unattended. The museum is not big, given up because of the difficulty of roadside parking, but the exhibits are worth seeing.

The temple is at the top of the hill, you can drive up the mountain by car, you can also take the cable car up the mountain. Tickets are 100TL/ person.

📍The town of Alacat
Arakat, also known as Arakat, is a unique Mediterranean town on the west coast of Turkey, known for its architecture, vineyards and windmills for more than 150 years, and it is world famous for windsurfing and surfing kites. Alacat is one of the most authentic towns in Turkey.

From Izmir airport, you can see the bus to Cesme, Alachat, one hour, the fare is 310TL, the journey is nearly 2 hours. Known for its Greek small-town style, Alachat's bougainvine blossom in June, and the sand on llica beach is so soft that you can sink your ankles. In Alacat can feel a very fresh and free atmosphere, just walk around, eat and drink a whole afternoon passed.

On Saturday, the town fair is very busy. A dazzling array of food utensils, such as people too dizzying, there are many I do not know vanilla and flowers. This human fireworks, can not help but think of the "A bite of Europe" watched a while ago. After visiting the market, the B&B prepared a rich Turkish breakfast for us. In the future, I would like to rent a B&B with a small kitchen here for a week, buy food and cook, drink coffee and pet cats.

📍 The town of Cesme

It takes only 10 minutes to drive from Alachat to Cesme. Cesme, a resort town also recommended by the Local, is just across the love sea from Greece and has influenced everything from religion to architecture to customs. I met a lovely grandfather at the market in this small town, and I wanted to buy every piece of his handmade work, full of childlike colors and personal characteristics.

Located west of Izmir, Turkey, it is a traditional resort on the lively Aegean Sea coast. Cesme means "fountain" because of the great water found in the area in the 18th and 19th centuries, and a large number of springs are named. It is one of the tourist attractions in the Aegean Sea, only 7 km away from Greece, and there is a direct ferry to the Greek island of Chios.

Compared to Alachat, Cesme is more like a small village, almost all hotels are near the sea, and many hotels have private beaches, which are more suitable for holidays. Cesme Castle is a must punch the place, recommended to go at sunset, not top light, take a good picture! This time on the way back to the hotel also saw the golden moment of sunset, too beautiful!

Turkey All accommodation budget please put in Cesme, lying in the hotel for a day innocent has to be cured to. The view of the hotel is a whole conquered my heart, can only say that the location is too powerful, in the room balcony a person daze don't be too comfortable; The hotel food and beverage charge is reasonable, the portion is sufficient and the taste is good; Breakfast buffet + A la carte was the best breakfast in the whole trip. The waiters in the breakfast restaurant were also very enthusiastic. They poured tea continuously to clean the table, wore sussusers to feel cold, and enjoyed a Turkish meal.

📍 The town of Selcuk

Selcuk is the last stop and the most surprising one.

Located in western Turkey, it has historical heritage such as the ancient city of Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis, one of the "seven wonders of the Ancient World", and the religious-related House of the Virgin Mary and the Cave of the Seven Holy Children, attracting countless religious people, history lovers and tourists to come to worship, and is one of the most visited tourist destinations.

The town environment is beautiful, clean, the weather is good, the life atmosphere is strong and the residents are very friendly, the price is about 1/3 to 1/2 of the price of Greme really cheap too much. Originally came here because I wanted to go to Ephesus, but actually did not go to Ephesus (feel a little confused + expensive tickets) decided to spend time visiting the town and the surrounding Kusadas. So right! These towns are all about doing nothing and lying around all day.

If you eat, there are many restaurants in the town center, many seem to be frequented by locals, and we ate three meals without stepping on the thunder.

Apart from being shocked by the mixed baths in Selcuk, Selcuk really is a treasure town for laying down. The town has existed since Byzantine times, and its old town has remained largely intact, not overdeveloped, and has retained its traditional local character. In the morning, I walked in this old town with the sunrise, and when I was tired, I would drink a cup of Turkish black tea at the roadside shop and have a snack. It was very Chill!


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