Visit the monster town with Onitaro at Japan!

This is probably the first time you've heard the name "Tottori." Tottori Prefecture has the smallest population in Japan. In addition to the famous detective Conan, Tottori is also home to ghosts.

Japan attaches great importance to the monster culture, and share with you a unique niche travel destination - Jingang City! Here is a monster themed city, full of various monster elements.

I don't know if you have seen Shigeru Mizuki's manga or animation "Ghost Taro" when you were young, which tells the story of a ghost boy "Ghost Taro" who aims at peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters. The cartoon is full of many strange looking demons and ghosts, but the small dark painting style is not much scary.

Our home of ghosts: Seikon, a port town formed by the accumulation of sandbars in the far northwest of Tottori. As the birthplace of the author of the manga "Ghost Taro" Shuiki Shigeru, the border port station as the center, along the Shuiki Shigeru road forward, until the monster shrine and Shuiki Shigeru Memorial Hall, everywhere can see the statues of monsters, there are also a variety of monster souvenir shops along the way, is a veritable monster town!

From Yoneko Station, take the JR Yamin Main Line to get to Chikugang Station. It is also known as "Ghost Taro Station".

The Ghost Taro series trains leading to the port have six types: "Ghost Taro", "Rat Man", "Cat Woman", "Eye Daddy", "Family (Son crying Grandpa)" and "Family (Sanding granny)". The platform is decorated with monsters from all over Japan. After arriving at the port, you can buy the "Monster Guide Manual" next to the station, and you can enjoy the port while participating in the stamp collection activity. Starting from Jingang Station, walk into the "Mizuki Shigeru Road", also known as the Monster Road, is a commercial street with the theme of the monster world described by Mizuki Shigeru. Since its establishment in 2003, it has become famous for its real and fantasy monster scenes, relaxed and pleasant shopping atmosphere, and strong Japanese culture atmosphere. Comic characters from Onitaro can be seen everywhere, and you can also buy a variety of Onitaro souvenirs and monster image snacks. Hand made monsters workshop, the seal table at the door is one of the seal collection; There is also the Mizuki Road post Office, you can also stamp. A total of 37 seals need to be collected.

📸【 Scenic Spots 】

📍1. Monster Warehouse
After visiting the monster street, you can come to the Ghost Taro monster warehouse (Ghost Taro theme haunted house) to try courage. After leaving the station, you can see the monster warehouse, which is a monster museum, which has a collection of various monster hands, models, dolls and so on. It is recommended to buy a punch card book, the cost is 500 yen, you can stamp in the various theme shops on the monster Avenue.

📍2. The Way of the Monsters

After the monster warehouse, there's Monster Avenue. This is a street about 800 meters long, along the layout of many themed shops, and the monster shrine. Walk into the back of the store street, came to the large monster goods store "monster land". As soon as you enter the park, you see an oversized anti-kapok, a white cloth monster that can entwine people's faces so that they can't breathe. There's a big skeleton in front of the store! Inside is a cozy wooden decor, lined with goods. Each store has different monster products, such as monster masks, monster dolls, monster handcrafts, and so on.

📍3. The Monster Shrine
At the end of Monster Avenue, there's the Monster Shrine. Built in the millennium of the Yokai Shrine, the oshin body is the middle of the black shadow stone and the tree is more than 300 years old. The walls are covered with monster horses and genie sticks, and experience the mysterious power of monsters to make your wishes come true. The shrine is dedicated to a variety of monster deities, the most famous of which is the Kawako-god. It is said that the river boy God can keep people safe and healthy.

📍4. Mizuki Shigeru Memorial Hall

The museum opened on March 8, 2003, and contains a large collection of Mizuki's paintings and related derivative works. On April 20, 2024, the memorial reopened after being closed for reconstruction for a year. Day ticket 1000 yen/person, advance purchase can be discounted 100 yen.

The founder of the monster city, Shigeru Mizuki, his memorial is in the port city. The museum has a collection of Mr. Mizuki Shigeru's various works, as well as his inspiration for creating monsters.
At the end of the shop street is the Mizuki Shigeru Memorial Hall, which displays many of Mizuki's works and hand-painted manuscripts. The "Monster Cave", located in the "Mizuki Shigeru Memorial Hall", is a slightly dim room where various monsters are displayed. It seems that because of the force, some children were scared to cry. Outside Mizuki Shigeru Memorial Hall is a popular dim sum store: The Monster Food Institute.
Finally, back at the station, 37 stamps can be redeemed for stickers.

♥️ Personal feelings

Jingang is not only a city full of monster stories, it also has a unique natural beauty. Here, you can enjoy the beauty of Tottori's famous coastline and feel the grandeur and wonder of nature. Combined with the fantasy world of monsters, this town leaves an unforgettable impression.

Jinggang City is a very suitable place for family travel. There are a variety of monster elements here that are sure to impress the children. If you also like monster culture, then Jingang City is definitely worth visiting!


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