Come to Japan in 2024 and you still don't know where Conan's house is!

How can you miss Conan Town, the hometown of detective Conan author Takashi Aoyama? Conan elements can be seen everywhere, so that you seem to break into the animation, is the Conan fans punch card holy land! Although the distance here is far and the transportation is not convenient, but this place that evokes childhood memories in a second, I want to make a pilgrimage anyway.

📍 Kenan Town

Take the Conan train, come to the town with Conan elements, the station's waiting booth, stairs, luggage storage box are Conan, minutes into the second yuan. Out of the station, the eye is the "truth is only one" classic action Conan statue! The tour of the town begins here at the nearby museum where you can collect stamps.

Aoyama's hometown, Kitei. From Tottori Station take the Yamin Main line 🚃 to Yura Station in just over an hour.

Recently the weather is super good, the whole Yurao station is Conan theme ah, Conan Avenue, with the Ji and Ye to study the route, said hello to Dr. Agasa, with Conan to admire the red leaves, went to the new house to press the doorbell (with the new LAN voice O), visited the small ai, with Gin to rob APTX-4869 (rob, but afraid of death...

It is mainly a main road, コナン avenue, along which you will pass Conan Bridge, Rice Flower Shop Street, Aoyama's hometown Memorial Hall, and many, many statues of the original characters. Personally feel about three hours to finish shopping enough.

🤔 An interesting thing
There is also Conan Airport, but the locals have always been very controversial about this airport, feeling that the name of the airport is unlucky, because every time Conan appears, there is a murder.

📍 Aoyama Takashi Hometown Hall

Dr. Agasa's exclusive yellow car is parked at the door. Go knock on the window and say hello to Dr. Agasa! There are many original manuscripts of the author in the memorial hall, as well as a 1:1 restoration of the author's studio. Kogoro Maori's detective agency is also here.

The museum is divided into two floors, the first floor is the exhibition and experience area, there are some interesting Conan plot of the murder secret room revealed experience, the second floor is the projection and screen interaction area.

📍 Rice Shop Street

Kudo Mansion is located in rice flower shop street, ringing the doorbell can hear the voice actor's original voice over oh. In addition, the statue of Hattori and Ha is also here, as well as the sculpture of Shinichi and Xiao Ran coming home from school, and even the wall of the toilet is Shinichi and Xiao Ran. Not only can you eat a lot of Conan's food in the Rice Street, Conan Kitchen restaurant has Aoyama's favorite curry rice, you can choose to print the characters Kidd, Xiao Ran, Shoichi Akai, Koai and other puddings. There's a lot of perimeter.

Really too immersed, there are Conan Taxi, too many elements, there are original painting manuscripts in the Qingshan Museum, and a reduced version of the secret room production experience, the surrounding shops buy buy buy buy, I said I bought a bucket roll of paper dare to believe [face mask] By the way, on the road next to the rice flower shop street shoot maple leaf scenery is super beautiful! The staff I met along the way is also super good, I took the wrong bus also caught up to tell me that the limit of one day is not enough to play, next time also come!!

⛩️ Nearby attractions:

📍 Tottori Sand Dune
Needless to say, sand dunes are the representative attractions of Tottori. Located in the western end of the main island of Japan, it has the largest area of Tottori sand dune in Japan, you can enjoy the wonder of half the sand dune and half the ocean, and the famous Conan Avenue, which is called the paradise of Conan fans.

See with your own eyes is really shocked by the uncanny workmanship of nature! This feeling of being able to see the open sea over the sand desert is really not covered. Moreover, the hiking trail of sand hill is shorter and easier to climb than I thought, and the whole journey can be completed in about an hour. But the sand dunes are so hot in summer! On the sea side of the dune is a particularly steep sand wall (wall?). Bold people can try to sit directly down to the sea, but I dare not.

📍 Iwami Urami Coast
This trip to Iwami was mainly for the free holy Land tour, and it happened that they had such a century-old bathing beach there, and few people felt quite suitable for summer leisure. There is a direct bus service to Iwami from the East Exit bus stop.
There are shuttle buses in Iwami that run about half an hour. Even if you don't swim in the sea, walking along the coastline is quite comfortable. The most important thing is that there is really no one!! I feel that Iwami is a very typical Japanese seaside village, quiet, and the local people are nice, giving us a spot tour of the holy land. I like this very human いなか.

📍 Mizijing port area
Yokai Shrine/Mizuki Shigeru Road/Mizuki Shigeru Memorial Hall (unfortunately under maintenance qvq)/Ejima Bridge
The area is famous for a variety of traditional Japanese monster legends, and the station is also known as Onitaro Station (the btw line trains are themed with monsters, and the stations along the line also have their own monster station names! Super cute!
This is a very typical Japanese traditional cultural block, shops are unexpectedly very easy to visit! Mizuki しげる road is lined with monster statues and a スタンプラリー event is being held recently.


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