Let's keep at it! Meet Love Bean at Seoul High School!

wuli relatives ah, come to Seoul want to experience the authentic South Korean life, be sure not to miss this play: visit the university! When you think of South Korean universities, you might think of the Korean drama "Sky City," The show's title, SKY Castle, is based on the initials of Seoul National University, Korea University and Yonsei University, three of South Korea's top universities.

In real life, SKY is really propping up a sky of higher education in South Korea, and the status of these three universities is equivalent to "Tsinghua and Peking University" in the minds of Chinese people!

The "K" and "Y" of the three SKY schools, namely Korea University and Yonsei University, hold a huge sports competition "Yeongoh Battle" every year. Sports include football, baseball, football, basketball and hockey. On the day of the game, Yonsei students wore red uniforms and Koryo students wore blue uniforms to cheer for the athletes on the sports field.

As a former student of the Yonsei Language Institute, I was lucky enough to participate in a "battle for heights", which was won by Yonsei University, because Yonsei is located in the Sinchon neighborhood of Seoul, and the red Sea is in Sinchon at night, and the winners of the night, Yonsei students, with their Yonsei student cards, could go to any bar in Sinchon and drink for free!

After everyone had eaten and drunk, the whole new village became a large wild Di scene, and the students danced in the streets of the new village until 3 or 4 o 'clock in the morning.

In daily life, Korean students also have a very rich nightlife. Clubs and pubs are everywhere where students gather. It is common for students to drink until they stay drunk, and it is also common for them to have classes and even make presentations the next day

In addition to the "high war", the annual celebration season of the Seoul high school District (대동제) is also one of the characteristic activities of South Korean colleges and universities. Many schools will invite some popular love beans to perform on campus. Many star-loving relatives will even specially formulate their own celebration process.

When I was studying abroad, I saw a celebration of my Alma mater, Kyung Hee University, when the blushing thought spring period, black dress, winner came. A big event like this will eventually turn into a big disco scene!

South Korea's land area is relatively small, but there are a lot of colleges and universities, just the entire Seoul city there are 57 universities, which entered the qs world ranking there are 16, so the development of many Seoul business areas are with the university. Due to the development of Korean entertainment culture in recent years, more and more movies, TV dramas, variety shows and so on will choose some colleges and universities as shooting places, colleges and universities have become another travel destination for people to travel to South Korea.

South Korean universities are generally open, without a clear fence, walking on the road naturally into the campus. Today, we will summarize 4 popular business circles and beautiful university campuses in Seoul that we must visit. Friends who are interested in Korean colleges and universities quickly code to live!

Traffic handbook

🚇 Seoul Tour card
🏷️ Reservation: Seoul Tour Card (24/48/72 hours)
✨ A tour card offers discounts on 101 tourist attractions and can be recharged as a transit card for Seoul buses and subways; Suitable for Seoul travel.

🚆 Korea Rail PASS KR PASS
🏷️ Book: Korea Rail PASS KR Pass (2/3/4/5)
✨ 80 routes, more than 600 stations, you can freely take any section of the train, unlimited number of times; Suitable for multi-city travel in South Korea.

01. Seoul university must punch the card line

🚶‍ Iida - Sinchon - Hongdae

When traveling to Seoul, be sure to set aside a day for this area! Because these three locations are on the same subway line, and they are very close, you can get off from Pear Station and stroll to Hongda little by little.

A. Ewha Women's University

📍 Pear Metro Station

The campus is relatively small, but the architecture and cherry blossoms are very beautiful, and compared with the slightly crowded streets of Seoul, the campus is really open, and the mood will be more open. After Posting on the moments, my friend said that the paper I read the day before was from Ewha Women's University. I took East Asian economics and culture as an elective course, and Ewha Women's University was also mentioned repeatedly. I see college girls like me on the road, and I always think we will shine in the future.

When I left, I caught a glimpse of the school motto of Ewha Women's University "truth, kindness and beauty" at the door, and I thought that the school motto of my junior high school was also called "seeking truth, Chongshan and beauty." that’s what i’m living for.

p.s. No appointment, no school gate, Ewha Women's University can directly enter.

Take subway Line 2 to the Pear Metro station, and stroll around the famous shopping street on the way from the subway station to Pear. Because this street is mainly for the students of Ewha Women's University, the price of clothes and accessories here is still relatively cheap, which is very suitable for students.

B. Yonsei University

📍 : Yonsei University (연세대학교 정문) Subway line 2 take exit 신촌역 2/3 and go straight across the street to the main entrance of Yonsei University

The spring of Yonsei University was wrapped in layers of climbing tigers, at a glance is all green, this is the color of spring, but also the color of Yonsei University, we want to go to the clock remember to enter from the main door, do not go from the back, because this is my first time to Yonsei University, not familiar with the car from the back door, go in almost did not put the foot to go waste.

Founded in 1885, Yonsei University is the oldest school in the SKY, and its medical school enjoys a very, very high reputation in Korean society!

Due to the beautiful scenery of the campus, Yonsei University has also become the setting of many Korean dramas. The Korean drama series, Please Answer 1994, is a story centered on Yonsei University. The main characters are all Yonsei University students, and the dormitory they live together is also located in Sinchon, a neighborhood that is considered the world of Yonsei University students.

Cosmetics stores and coffee shops are also concentrated here, and you can also visit Uplex and Shinchon Hyundai Department Store. Shinchon is like an axis connecting Pear and Hongda, so it is also a good choice to walk directly from Shinchon to Hongda.

C. Hongik University

📍 Hongdaemun Station

As Hongik University is the top design school in Asia, especially in the art field, many students set up shop around their Alma mater after graduation, so it gradually formed such a business area dominated by young trends, and many Korean design brands were born here!

In addition, it is also a public performance resort, many young people with the dream of practicing students will conduct road shows here, where you can watch a variety of very interesting performances in a street. You might even consider living around here, the nightlife is so rich!

From Hongik University Subway Station exit 3, you can go to Yeonnam-dong, another cafe mecca in Seoul, where a night market is full of surprises.

Seoul University shopping eating travel tips

  • Many universities in South Korea are built on mountains, so you will be a little tired when you play, so be sure to change into comfortable shoes before traveling!!

  • Relatives who like to collect souvenirs, can look for souvenir shops on campus, I have to say that Koreans are really strong in the ability to do around, Yonsei University baseball uniforms are very popular.

In the years of studying in South Korea, one thing that struck me deeply is that South Koreans basically do not care about the age of going to college, nor do they care much about the matter of suspension, and it is very normal to take a break from college to start a business, do military service, and travel.

I remember when I was in school, the students I worked with on the project had a big age gap, so they didn't seem to be limited by "what age to do" when it came to college. In addition, the pursuit of academic qualifications in South Korea is not as intense as imagined, many of us actually want to get a higher degree in other countries to return home, and then find a "good" job, and for a large part of South Korea, they generally finish college will draw a full stop for their study life, for the pursuit of higher education, It's basically all about academic passion.


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