Today we traveled around the world!

Here is a very famous hot spring town, as well as Tobu ワールドスクウェア, to the equivalent of traveling around the world! In short, go to the ghost rage river, do not miss these two is....

Visit the monster town with Onitaro at Japan!

Because of the existence of the harbor, countless fans can continue to follow Mizuki's footsteps, and come here at any time to touch the cute monsters that have appeared in his comics. I think every child who likes to fantasize should be like his monster....

You should go to elephant camp once in your life!

If you come to Chiang Mai, you must come to this place, which is the closest to animals from nature. Just immerse yourself in playing with elephants ~ The whole process is so happy!! Elephants are good relatives are lovely, and I sincerely recommend that friends who like elephants can experience it ...

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