How big is a Turkish breakfast? Comparable to Manchu Han banquet!

A good day starts with a nutritious breakfast! When it comes to breakfast, Turks are serious, probably the most serious in the world! Turkish cuisine is famous, especially for its breakfast culture. Not having a Turkish breakfast is not experiencing Turkey. The traditional Turkish breakfast is often referred to as the "Golden meal" and is one of the most varied and varied dishes in the world. Turkey lies at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, East and West. This unique location, coupled with centuries of Turkish migration from Central Asia to Europe, has established its gastronomic identity. Therefore, Turkish breakfast is known as the richest diet in the world, welcome to taste!

Of course, on a busy weekday, a Turkish breakfast can be as simple as a cup of black tea with a bagel or bun (pogaca); However, on weekends and holidays, Turkish people treat breakfast as the most ceremonial, and a lazy "slow" breakfast is often the time for family and friends to gather, so it must be grand!

The basic combination of Turkish breakfast culture

A traditional Turkish breakfast includes a variety of cheeses, such as tulum and Kachar, as well as white cheese, cokelek and mihalic. In addition to fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and leafy greens, there are green and black olives from the Marmara, Aegean and North Aegean regions, as well as honey, homemade jam and kaymak (clotted cream). Freshly baked crispy bread and simit (sesame bagels) will also be served, as well as hot Turkish tea served in tulip-shaped glasses.

The most common Turkish breakfast is eggs, cooked or served in the form of menemen, consisting of eggs, tomatoes and peppers .

Turkish coffee can be served after this hearty breakfast to supplement the meal and aid digestion.

In Turkey, the full breakfast (serpme kahvalt) is a very traditional breakfast style, although the taste varies from place to place. But here are a few elements that are essential for breakfast anywhere in Turkey!

Turkish black tea

Tea, although it entered Turkish life late, but now the Turks are the most tea in the world, with "from early to midnight" to describe, not too much! In Turkey, you can find places to sit down and have a cup of black tea everywhere - traditional teahouses, mobile vendors, coffee shops, and even on public transport - the Turks really cannot live without black tea. The first cup of tea in Turkey starts with breakfast. A pot of semaver black tea with tulip-shaped teacups, bright red and fruity, is definitely the soul of Turkish breakfast!

Turkish bread

Bread (Turkish: ekmek) is the life of the Turks. For example, there is a word in Turkish, ekmek teknesi, which is equivalent to "rice bowl" in Chinese context, meaning "livelihood on which to live", while the Turks call it "bread bowl". Get it! * ekmek teknesi: A large wooden bread pan used for blending and fermenting bread in the past. Some will add natural yeast and whole wheat flour on the basis of the original recipe. The skin is crisp and the inside is soft and broken. When eaten cold, it is solid and chewy.

These are the varieties of bread I miss most from my first breakfast in Turkey: sesame bagels (simit), Turkish meal packs (Pogaca) and shortcrust bread (acma). These are the most famous varieties of bread in Turkey. Some people now make Turkish fried and milk round bread, but I prefer the traditional sesame bagel. Sometimes, Turks can get through a meal with just a sesame bagel and tea.

Butter, milk skins and cheese

The fertile land of Asia Minor supported countless cattle and sheep, which brought rich dairy products to the Turks. Some regions of Turkey are famous for their butter, milk crust and cheese. These dairy products provide a good combination of protein for a nutritious breakfast. Some parts of Turkey are home to some of the creamiest dairy breeds in the world, and they bring excellent butter to the locals.Kaymak is a creamy, thick dairy product with a rich, sweet taste.A traditional Turkish breakfast includes a variety of cheeses, such as tulum and Kachar, as well as white cheese, cokelek and mihalic, to name a few.


A quality breakfast cannot be without the best quality protein - eggs! In addition to boiled eggs, almost every Turkish breakfast has eggs cooked in some form (omlet) : omelette, beef sausage/bacon omelette, etc. Turkish fancy eggs
So oganl very Yumurta, Yo ogurtlu C very lb very r, Menemen, Sucuklu Yumurta, Kaygana... I'm doing everything. My cholesterol levels are off the charts. Perhaps the most common are eggs cooked in a traditional pot called menemen, made with eggs, tomatoes, green peppers and spices. Cheese or meat can also be added. Turkish baked eggs, with a whole plate of tomatoes and some peppers, are sour and appetizing! But it's not too sour, and it's delicious with sesame rings!

Olives, tomatoes and cucumbers

Turkey's olive varieties are also numerous, black olives, green olives, stuffed olives... Are you ready, Turkish olives will make you feel better and more delicious than any olive you have ever tasted before! Every Turkish breakfast includes tomatoes and cucumbers, lightly sprinkled with salt and drizzled with delicious olive oil.

Honey, jam

There are also various kinds of chocolate spread or jam with bread, bread spread with cream and drizzled with honey. And the amazing beehive honey, the first time I saw a whole piece of honey hanging, I cut it myself.

A full breakfast in Turkey is more than just a breakfast, it's definitely an experience. Imagine if this full breakfast took place on the shores of the Bosphorus, the mysterious Cappadocia, the dreamy Cottonburg, the turquoise blue Mediterranean coast, the ancient city full of historical legends... Everything is unique!


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