Go to Thorpe Park! Most exciting playground

Thorpe Park Playground

Address: Thorpe Park Resort, Staines Road, Chertsey KT16 8PN
Opening hours: 10:00-18:00
Location: Around London

It is recommended that handsome men and women book tickets on the website in advance - save it! If you book in advance, there is half a kilo (buy £64 on the day, purchase £32 in advance) want to stay one night, you can continue to play the next day (£49 per person) more than 10 people can buy group tickets (£64 on the day, purchase £31 in advance) student tickets, remember to bring students oh (£64 on the day, purchase £22 in advance), there may be price increases in the peak period!! Avoid student holidays (June-August), otherwise the queue is more than an hour, to doubt life

Check the weather forecast in advance
If it is hot, you can go to the water project (air dryer - £3). If it is raining, it is not recommended, but there will be a lot less people
Bring some change (or bank card) Grab doll/Arcade Rental Wardrobe - £1 one-off /£5 Medium reuse /£10 maximum reuse

Download a Thorpe park app!! There are maps of line times and events, maps of restrooms and various restaurants, and where to pick up water (they'll check bags but they can bring snacks and drinks).

The park opens at 10:00 and the closest to the gate is The swarm (once inside, everyone will split into a queue. I was in the left queue at that time, so I wasted a few minutes walking to the right to find this project. Everyone can directly walk to the right and queue up)

Then I counted all the fun items in the little Red book

Next is my main project experience!!
Stealth has the fastest queue time in the UK: 80-100min
My favorite! Driving the moment like leaving the earth screams accounted for 1/3 of the total amount of the park, the length of time is also very satisfying, the sunset to reach the commanding height of the 360-degree rotation is simply full of art

SAW "Saw" C project
Queue time: 80-120min
‼ ️ The earlier you go the shorter the queue time and one can choose a Single Ride!! (but can not choose a seat) 15 minutes can be lined up
Great atmosphere. 90 degrees immediately after ascent but not as long as the top wind. - Safe

The Swarm of alien flight races crashed
Super cool body, occupy the whole park 1/2 screams, ring through the clouds, spin jump + high fall

Colossus The longest roller coaster

It will pass a perfect circle and the roller coaster with the most rotations - but the time is too short, 5 seconds to get off. If you want to sit in the first row, you can go to the last fork and select Front Line Only ~

The Walking Dead
Queue time: 35min Disney like indoor roller coaster, suitable for timid friends ~

Graudation Sucks and Birthday Bash! Make up dance to play 90 haystacks is recommended! NPCS scare me just a little short distance

Scare Maze a day in advance of a separate ticket [I didn't buy the bowels are regretting green, the people inside are even rolling and climbing out, NPC also with a chainsaw chase out!!

VR Ghost Train will issue free tickets on the morning of the day you enter the park, book on the app info interface, or make an appointment in Figure 9 before bag check

Get off in Staines Station and buy a return ticket of £4.50. Get out before 9:30 or you may not return

ps. When I went to the same day, the closing time marked by google was an hour earlier than the one displayed in the app with a link point, so you can pay attention to this aspect, the Google display may not be the actual closing time oh ~


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