If you go to Seoul, you must see a Nada show! Cure all unhappiness!

Went to see NANAT Myeongdong Nanda show, listen to the staff before the entrance to understand the Nanda show, Nanda show was selected as one of the top ten tourist attractions in Seoul, is recognized as not to miss the Korean cultural tourism project. I also learned the story of how Nanda show boarded our Chinese stage! This soundless performance is Korea's first, based on the melody of the four things game. In the large kitchen, four cooks play out beautiful melodies and rhythms by tapping various kitchen utensils. It is not only humorous, but also gives you an insight into traditional Korean culture. Tickets cost only 4,700 won, excellent value! Random show is really interesting, the actors are very hard, looking tired, the audience is mostly foreigners, are very quality, very conscious will not take out mobile phones to take pictures, clap when the clap, the mute when the mute, too like!

📍 Performance address

3 / F, UNESCO Building, Myeongdong 26 (Myeongdong 2ga 50-14), Jung-gu, Seoul

🕰 Performance times

Monday to Friday: 17:00, 20:00
Saturday: 14:00, 17:00, 20:00;
Sunday: 14:00, 17:00
The performance lasts 90 minutes


  1. The actual performance time is subject to the notice of the theater
  2. Please come at least half an hour in advance to change your ticket

Life is really wonderful, originally in the country across the screen to see the performance, this time actually have the opportunity to face to face! The impression is that the stage effect is unforgettable! The actors have very professional stage skills, which can well present the emotion and rhythm of the music, while the stage layout and lighting effects also play a good role. In particular, the process of interacting with the audience made the performance more layered, and the audience was irresistibly involved in it. The whole process was very shocking and exciting.

The content tells a series of funny stories about four chefs in the process of preparing the wedding banquet. The story includes funny action, music, musical instrument performance, lighting, magic, etc., as well as interaction with the audience, and my friend who went with me sat near the corridor, was directly pulled up to "get married", and temporarily took a look at the bride, too funny. At the end of the performance, friends also got the wedding picture captured by the program group, which is quite commemorative.

The entire performance has almost no lines, relying only on the actors' body language, expressions and eyes to perform, but it is really interesting, and visitors who do not speak Korean do not have to worry about any language barriers!! Not even the children can see very happy, the audience continued to applause, laughter. The actors skillfully use POTS, pans, knives and other kitchen utensils to make sounds, with the rhythm of traditional Korean music, really unique. It is really difficult for modern people to calm down and listen to traditional music, but this performance is to let everyone's favorite Korean beauty and double door Korean man interpret the story with a funny atmosphere, while also integrating traditional music, so I was very happy to watch at first, and then full of moved. The producers must have loved their culture so much to come up with such a wonderful performance.

The process of viewing the show is described briefly. There were four Chinese people with my friends. On my left was a tourist from Japan. In the back came a voice speaking English. In front was a black guy friend. The whole process and everyone together very happy spent, the front brother halfway also went on the stage and the actor interaction, watching his youngest son especially excited to get the souvenir he brought down from the stage. Very impressed is a white mother-in-law in the back row, I really worry that she laughed past hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

This kind of performance is not only a pleasure to watch, but also very suitable for those who want to know about Korea, but also for those who are engaged in cultural propaganda and cultural industry. There are three theaters in Myeongdong Hongdae and Jeju. I took my domestic friends to Hongdae Theater, which is located below Aland. After watching the exhibition, I also visited a clothing store. Official website ticket R seat is 60,000 won, about 300 yuan, I booked in the Korean tour network, optional seats, as long as more than 100, it is said to be a special offer for foreigners, really good, feel collected wool!

All in all, this performance, which has no language requirements, can be used by people in any country in the world. There is no age limit, either male or female.

Finally finally!! Favorite actor little sister!! Because of the whole focus on her, so can more intuitive feel her professional. He was in the corner of the stage when it was not her performance time, and the audience's eyes were not on her. She's still fully engaged in it. Facial expressions and body parts are constantly changing according to the plot.

Want to say to her, no matter in which corner of you, will be part of the focus of people's eyes, even if the stage light is dark still let you feel the magnetic field and light. This is your charm.


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