What kind of Houstonians don't explore space? Space center super tour guide

Hey! If you're a space fan like me, you can't miss "NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston"!

When I was young, every time I watched a rocket launch, I could hear the astronauts saying, "houston... Houston, as the control center, is like the tower to the astronauts as the command brain, is a "home" existence. Today, let us go to the research center of human exploration of the universe, the temple of the universe fans pilgrimage!

There are fewer direct domestic flights to Houston. But because Houston is in the south-central United States, whether it is flying from the West coast or the East coast, it takes about 2-3 hours. NASA is a 30-45 minute drive from downtown Houston, and you can either rent a car or use Uber to get there. Space Center Houston is located southeast of Houston in the Clear Lake Area, approximately 30 minutes from downtown Houston. Holiday because more people to play may be a little traffic jams, remember to start early oh.

How to buy tickets:
Tickets can also be purchased on NASA's official website ($25 for adults, preferably 1 to 2 weeks in advance). However, it is recommended to book the NASA Tram Tour, one of the most popular Tours at Space Center Houston, in advance of the closing of reservations at 2 p.m.

NASA Johnson Space Center
Address: 2101 E NASA Pkwy, Houston, TX 77058, USA

Designed to educate and inspire, the nonprofit Space Center Houston is one of the most popular attractions open to the public and one of the best things to visit in Houston. There are more things to visit here than you can imagine, and you will never get tired of playing all day long.

Due to the plethora of activities to participate in, in addition to the most popular Tour, there are a series of lectures and simulation experiences. The daily program may change, so get the brochure for the day as soon as you buy your ticket.

It is recommended to determine your own tour order according to the time of different projects, not the same to participate in each (because the number is too much), choose what you are interested in. When all the projects are finished in the late afternoon, you can take a leisurely tour of the entire exhibition hall.

Here are some of the most popular projects at Space Center Houston:

Take the tour bus inside JSC! An exciting zero distance Space Center tour. There are two versions to choose from, a 90-minute full tour and a 30-minute lite tour. Generally, if you have enough time, you must choose the 90-minute version, which includes the tour introduction of the entire park.

During the tour, you can get an up-close look at the spacecraft's development testing and personnel training center through a glass tunnel (if it's a weekday, you can see NASA workers in action). You can also walk into the command center and sit in the VIP seat to experience the process of commanding aviation missions, which is very enjoyable. The small editor who has experienced the whole process wants to say that the shock of witnessing is very impressive, and it is recommended that everyone who comes here can not miss it.

In addition, the tour bus will also stop at Rocket Park, where you can see a large display of various rockets. The most famous is the Saturn V rockets, one of the three in existence. This is a real and famous rocket, and its cool appearance and oversized size amaze everyone who watches it.

The coolest thing the Space Center has to offer is an upgraded and enhanced Tram Tour. All the locations that are inaccessible on a regular Tour may open a door for you. With a maximum of 12 guests per tour, a complete VIP experience. There is no need to wait in line for all the attractions during the tour. More than 4 hours of fully guided guided Tours allow you to understand every detail of the space center.

After a visit here, you can appreciate how many difficult problems in aerospace history have been slowly solved by the wisdom and spirit of exploration of previous generations. An experience not to be missed!

The latest series of events, launched last year, is a special event for the 25th anniversary of the opening of Space Center Houston. Yes, we humans are ready to start exploring Mars!

The event included a new "Mission to Mars" pavilion that showcased a range of Nasa's preparations for Mars exploration, including theoretical research, the latest robotics, protective suit technology, and more. In the exhibition area you can even touch a rock from Mars.

In addition to the few activities listed above, there are many other features of the Space Center. Details can refer to the official website of the event introduction, there is always a project is right for your appetite.

After watching it, do you want to explore space immediately? Don't hesitate, set out now, our journey is the sea of stars!


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