Museums in Paris are the real deal!

In Paris, there are many amazing museums: the Perfume Museum, the Magic Museum, the Sewer Museum, the catacombs, the Temple Art Museum, the Museum of Nature and hunting.

Whether you are a nostalgic person, or a person who likes special smells, and then strange "hobby", in this city can be accommodated. Everyone can find their own point of interest, through the selected Angle, to speak to the present and history in a different way. Today, I would like to take advantage of the May 1 holiday, about you to visit the small museums in Paris, everyone can explore the city at their own preferences and pace.


Cite de l'architecture et du patrimoine

The City of Architecture and Heritage is located in the Chateau de Charlot in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, which is currently the largest architectural museum in the world.

On the first floor of the French Heritage Exhibition Hall, there are Saint-Honore sculpture on Amiens Cathedral, which is known as the most beautiful church in France, the smiling angel sculpture on Reims Cathedral, and the "Departure of Volunteers in 1792" sculpture on the Arc de Triomphe. It is also a rare opportunity to see the expressions and details of the architectural figures up close.

The second floor displays replicas of frescoes and stained glass from Romanesque and Gothic churches in France; For those of you who love Le Corbusier, don't miss the 1-to-1 replica of the Marseille apartment on one side of the gallery, where models of contemporary architectural masterpieces are displayed.

The ongoing temporary exhibition "Notre Dame de Paris, From Builders to Restorers" gives us a better understanding of the history and restoration of Notre Dame de Paris. When you are in the museum, wandering in the long river of architectural history, the Eiffel Tower, one of the symbols of Paris, will accompany you by the window, can be said to be no problem "tower viewing" treasure, quickly click the video below to feel it!

Address: 1 Pl. du Trocadero et du 11 Novembre, 75116 Paris

Temporary exhibition period: until June 2024

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday to Sunday 11:00-19:00 (extended to 21:00 on Thursday), closed on Tuesdays


Monnaie de Paris

Art and money go hand in hand. The ongoing exhibition "Money in Art History" at the Museum of Money in Paris takes us through the "money" in art history. Artists have their own interpretations of the exchange scene, of the currency as a symbol: Edgar Degas's "Portrait at the Paris Stock Exchange," the pop artist Andy Warhol's dollar sign.

In addition to temporary exhibitions, the Money Museum is also a fun place to see. In addition to the currencies of many countries in history, raw materials for making coins, molds, etc., you can also experience the printing of coins by hand, and you can buy various special editions of commemorative coins in the museum shop, like the following coins with the mascot of the 2024 Olympic Games, Les Phryges, which are very commemorative.

Address: 11 Quai de Conti, 75006 Paris

Temporary exhibition: until September 24, 2023

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 11:00-18:00, extended to 21:00 on Wednesday, closed on Monday



The ancient prison of Paris, built in the sixth century on the Island of Xide in the center of Paris, is a Gothic palace, and has been an important place for imperial power and justice. In addition, it is famous for being one of the important places of detention during the French Revolution, where many prisoners were held before being guillotined, the most famous being Marie Antoinette, Queen of Louis XVI.

The temporary exhibition "Paris, Gastronomic Capital from the Middle Ages to the present day" takes place in the Guards' Hall of the Old Paris Prison, which was also the dining room of the Middle Ages. From a micro-historical perspective, the curators take us on a journey through the culinary legends of Paris from the Middle Ages to the present day: from the terroir and produce of Paris and Ile-de-France, the fine cutlery of the meal, the stories of the bistros and tables, to Michelin restaurants, popular dessert shops, chocolate shops and more. "Foodie" friends who like food culture should not miss this exhibition!

Address: 2 Boulevard du Palais, 75001 Paris

Temporary exhibition period: until 16 July 2023

Opening hours: 9:30-18:00 daily (Closed on May 1, Labour Day and December 25, Christmas Day)


Jardin des Plantes

The only place to see flowers in spring is the Botanical Garden in Paris. In fact, there are many interesting Spaces hidden in this large botanical garden: Grande Galerie de l 'Evolution, Grandes Serres du Jardin des Plantes, and Galerie de Paleontologie, Museum of Paleontology and Comparative Anatomy et d 'Anatomie comparee, Museum of Mineral and Geological Sciences Galerie de Geologie et de Mineralogie.

The 5.5-hectare zoo is home to more than 1,200 animals, many of them endangered: red pandas, snow leopards, white-naped cranes, Malayan tapirs and more. As one of the oldest zoos in the world, it housed animals from the Royal Zoo of Versailles when it was first established. In the spring, when everything comes back to life, a walk in this open-air "museum" is a serious matter.

Address: 57 rue Cuvier, 75005 Paris

Opening hours: 10:00-18:00 daily, closed at 18:30 on Sundays and holidays


Musee Bourdelle

Tucked away in the Montparnasse neighborhood, the Boudel Museum reopened to the public in mid-March after two years of renovation. This is the studio of the artist Antoine Bourdelle (1861-1929). As Rodin's assistant, his works are not inferior in the history of sculpture, and he is known as one of the three important figures in the history of French sculpture.

Find a sunny day to wander through the courtyards and gardens and feel the realistic and powerful tension of Buddle's majestic sculptures.

Address: 18 Rue Antoine Bourdelle, 75015 Paris

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-18:00, closed on Mondays


Musee departemental Albert-Kahn

In spring, take a walk around the great forest on the west side of Paris. Albert Kahn Museum is located in the south of the Bois de Boulogne, the museum has a Japanese garden and French garden, English garden, as well as the blue forest planted with cedar and spruce and other wonderful landscape, and even specially from the Vosges mountains in eastern France to transport large rocks and trees, to reproduce the Vosges forest in the suburbs of Paris.

In addition to the beautiful gardens and courtyards, the core collection within the museum is the "Planet Archive" initiated by museum owner and founder Albert Kahn more than 100 years ago. He wanted to use color images to record different regions and civilizations around the world.

Costing hundreds of millions of dollars and more than two decades, he sent photographers around the world to capture images. From the 72,000 color photos and 183,000 meters of film on display, you can feel the gentle charm and idealism of spring.

The renovation of the museum by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma uses wood, bamboo, metal and other materials to integrate nature and architecture, which should not be missed by architectural friends.

Address: 2 Rue du Port, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt

Opening hours:

Tuesday-sunday 10:00-18:00, closed on Mondays

I believe that you like museums, must have unlimited curiosity and exploration spirit.


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