Only fairy tales in this northern Thai town don't chop off kidneys

Unique pastoral scenery and literary atmosphere, wrapped in fairy tale atmosphere! The town has a warm and simple people, a cool and pleasant climate and low prices!

The nearest 🇹🇭 is Chiang Mai, so most tourists visit Chiang Mai first, and then take a bus from Chiang Mai to Pai. Three hours by car, over two mountains, 762 turns, many people are "spit" to Bai County (Figure 15), which is also a major feature of it
You can also take a small propeller plane from Chiang Mai, a 25-minute flight. Book through KanAir's official website for 1 return flight per day.

Bai County can be roughly divided into small towns and outside the town. The small town is not large, about half an hour to walk, the town gathers most of the restaurant and a few of the accommodation in the county, by night, the two crossing main roads will be opened up for the night market. Outside the town is the main accommodation area, dotted with cabins and hotels of various styles.

In addition, most of the attractions and outdoor experiences can be found within a radius of seven or eight kilometers outside the town. In short, during the day, you can explore the natural scenery and fairy tale architecture on the country roads, and at night you can experience the local delicious food in the town night market, and of course enjoy the authentic Thai massage at a low price. It is recommended to stay in Pai County for 2 days or more.

Come to Pai county must remember to play this!

There are two companies in town that do this. One is Tipsy Tubing and the other is Jungle Tubing. The former was the first to do this. The latter is a new one.

The price is the same, 250 baht per person, including round-trip transfers (not to the hotel, but to the meeting point in town) because I bought my tickets from a ticket agent down the street, so I met directly at the agent's shop. This activity is only available every Tuesday and Friday, so pay attention to the time.

I have chosen Jungle Tubing this time, so I will tell you about the journey. I will leave for the camp at 12:30 PM and start playing at 13:30 PM.

Float for a while will go to the first site, you can drink something jumping about half an hour to start to the second site, the second site is to eat and drink, there are some sports games can play, in the second site almost stayed for more than 1 hour, and then continue to float for a long time, to the last site, there are people playing boxing, there are crazy bundy. In short, you are not yourself here, and I am the night bee at that moment!

The water was very shallow, up to my knees, and as I floated along my hips touched the rocks underneath, but it didn't hurt. Just lift my hips up a bit. If you stray, there are staff to pull you back, and the safety factor is much more than the rafting canyon in the country! It's the most fun I've had in Bye County!

Oh, right! Drinks at stops along the way are not free, so remember to pack your phone and bring some cash

When I get to Pai County, I feel like I've fallen into the hippie nest...

Bye County at last. I always hear people talking about going to worship, but I don't know what's fun about worship. Now I know! The bus at the hostel was full of backpackers and was politely quiet.

Pai is in the mountains and closer to nature than the urban feel of Chiang Mai. Not long after leaving the main street, you will drive the motorcycle to the complete nature, farms, foothills and continuous clouds, which will let people see the path of Shimei to the bay of Hainan Riyue Bay for a while.

In the distance, the big white Buddha stands in the trees among the mountains, which is huge and makes people feel pious. We drove to watch the sunset. I prefer nature to nature.

Walking around the streets at night, there are smells everywhere, hippie young people from all over the world, with different accents, different clothes, tattoos, dreadlocks... It goes from bar to bar.

We first walked into a random live that was playing Buddha beat, and then the sound walls kept stacking up and some kind of flute was bouncing. Then I went into a real underground techno bar, a kind of techno where you can jump into the sky and the earth, and I yanked the graffiti bottle and started to improvise.

Passed a dreadlock stand, chatted a few words, and then met again at reggae bar, he said he wanted to do your dreadlocks, tomorrow! I high-fived him at the moment of the dance.

I seem to like Pai more than Chiang Mai.


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