Why doesn't anyone come to such a nice place? See enough in one day

Museum of Nature Hamburg ・ Zoology

The civil law teacher's class was cancelled temporarily. After taking the eighth morning class, I had a Termin in the afternoon, thinking that I had lived a vegan life for too long, so of course I should go to the animal museum to kill time.

The museum I went to this time is: Hamburg Natural History Museum (Zoological museum)
Museum der Natur Hamburg - Zoologie

Address: Bundesstraße 52, 20146 Hamburg (The little red book cannot be located, please search Google Maps for this address or the German place name above)

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-17:00
Admission: Free, no reservation, just go in
Estimated play time: 1-2 hours

Museum layout: Following a very shallow classification, as the museum is more about the introduction of common animals, mainly focusing on the introduction of the sky: birds and insects (birds are very rich, mostly common birds in Germany, insects are mostly some beautiful eye-catching representative insects); In the water: fish (mainly fish commonly eaten in European waters) and whales; Ground running: mostly common mammals, reptiles and amphibians (amphibians are mostly displayed in habitats, such as several frogs can be seen in Figure 9) and finally, of course, the theme of environmental protection and animal protection

Venue advantages:
It is very close to the University of Hamburg, about 10 minutes walk. Great to pass the time if your classes are canceled, too.
The kinds of collections are quite rich, especially the specimens are very good, very lifelike and vivid
Compared with the general display in strict accordance with the animal classification standard textbook, the exhibition of this animal hall pays more attention to common knowledge and popular science, and can take this opportunity to understand the common animals in Germany (especially the habits and distribution of birds, etc.), so the content is also more understandable and practical
The venue area is moderate, the layout is relatively reasonable, the bathroom is very clean, and there are no tickets, it is free!

Hamburg Museum of Arts and Crafts

Today is Halloween and the Reformationstag in Germany, so most museums in Hamburg are free today! So I went to the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (Museum of Arts and Crafts)

Museum Address: Steintorpl., 20099 Hamburg (next to Hamburg's main train station Hamburg Hbf)
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-18:00
The museum has four floors: from UG to the second floor, and the main visiting floor is EG to the second floor
Duration: 3-4 hours
Weekday fare: 14€

The main exhibits are artifacts from different periods (mainly European, but also some Egyptian). The exhibits are very rich, how can it not be a platform for me to learn German and even see English translations of sentences I don't understand

What is more impressive is that on the wall of an exhibition area of EG, different people's ideas about their own monuments (Denkmal) are displayed, some warn of war, some denounce patriarchy, some are about self-consciousness, and some mourn for the pain of the past.

There is a favorite exhibition area on the second floor is the 50th anniversary exhibition of Sesame Street (so the line waited for an hour) because the line was too long, the organizer gave a Sesame Street card to get a sensor after entering the pavilion, and the staff will teach you how to use it: If you point the sensor at the blue striped circle, you can hear the self-introduction of the corresponding Sesame Street residents. In addition, there are several scenes of Sesame Street in the pavilion, which can be said to be very lovely. In the corner of the pavilion, there are colored pens and Sesame Street themed paper, which you can doodle on, and the paintings can be taken back.


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