Do you prefer cocoa chocolate or chocolate cocoa

Hamburg Illusion Museum

Try to get out as much as possible when you have a break. Staying at home on weekends always feels like nothing has been done and you haven't relaxed well. Go out for a walk on the weekend but feel leisure time to enrich some, the spirit is good.
Hamburg Illusion Museum is recommended, the museum is not big, can be visited in an hour. Admission is €14 for adults and €12 for students. It is recommended to purchase tickets online by booking in advance on weekends. The main burger fire in the museum is just a 4-minute walk away, and there are Korean and Vietnamese restaurants at the intersection near the museum. On the way because the time is not suitable did not try, do not know the taste is good, that Vietnamese restaurant seems to open very popular, next time have to try.
Museum address: Google Museum der Illusionen Hamburg

Hamburg Chocolate Museum Chocoversum

90-minute lectures in both German and English, with fewer English sessions. Early bird tickets are €19 for adults and €25 at the venue.

The tour begins by explaining the characteristics of the cocoa fruit: for example, the cocoa fruit grows directly on the trunk of the tree, not on the branches. Grown in the tropics, the fruit is huge, the size of an adult's entire forearm. Look like a football or papaya, split the fruit, inside the milk white cocoa beans, the scene to find a foreign child and an adult to taste it, the child chewed for a long time also can not swallow, his mother also reminded him not to swallow, let him find a tissue to spit out.

The beans are collected and then piled together for 14 days in a process similar to fermentation.

The price of 100g chocolate is about 0.86 euros, of which cocoa growers only earn 0.08 euros, the chocolate production cost is 0.23 euros, and the cost of various ingredients: milk, sugar and so on is about 0.1 euros. Most of the 0.36 euros is in retail.

After being "smothered" for two weeks, the beans are sent to a 120-degree oven for 30-40 minutes (changes in temperature and time can significantly affect the quality of the cocoa afterwards). In this process, the rich aroma of cocoa and the acid produced during fermentation will be permeated into the air, very attractive.

Dried cocoa tastes bitter, like toasted walnuts. In the early years, the shell was removed by hand, and after the invention of centrifuge, the shell was separated by machine.

Next, the cocoa beans are crushed by a machine, at which point the chocolate factory adds different proportions of milk and sugar to combine all the ingredients in a crushing process. At the same time, because the heat generated by the friction of the roller will also cause the cocoa butter to dissolve in it. Took a spoonful to taste, began to feel sweet and grainy.

When cocoa and other ingredients are mixed into pulp, it is necessary to mix well slowly and react naturally with the air for a certain time to achieve the most perfect effect. More than a hundred years ago, the machine only stirred for one day, no matter how to taste what ingredients were added, it could not improve the taste. As a result, once the apprentice forgot to turn off the machine when he got off work on Friday, and last week, the machine did not stop until Tuesday, and the result after three or four days of full mixing reaction, the residual sour taste was taken away, and the Swiss became completely rich.

During the course of the explanation, you will also be asked to make exclusive chocolate, which will be frozen in the refrigerator after completion of the production, so that you can take away the simple packaging at the end of the visit. The explanation staff said that it can be stored in the packaging bag for 6 months.


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