
With VR experience Hamburg miniature landscape world, is it equivalent to traveling around the world!

If you come to Hamburg do not miss the miniature landscape world! Located in the Speicherstadt area of Hamburg, this attraction is one of the largest model railway exhibitions in the world, in short, it is a giant sand table with models of nature and people from all over the world, and is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Hamburg!

Address: Kehrwieder 2-4, Block D, 20457 Hamburg, Germany

🧩 Opening hours: Usually open every day, please refer to the official website for details
🧩 Ticket prices: Ticket prices vary according to age and time of visit, it is recommended to buy tickets on the official website in advance to avoid queues.
🧩 Facilities: There are restaurants, cafes and souvenir shops on site. Stroller parking and diaper changing facilities are also available, perfect for families.

The miniature landscape world is not only a static model, there are many dynamic displays in the exhibition. Thousands of miniature trains, cars, boats and planes are on preset tracks and paths. Every 15 minutes, the exhibition also simulates the changes of day and night, and the lighting effects are very realistic.

Visitors can not only view the model, but also control the operation of some parts through interactive buttons. Push a button to start a train, light up a building, or activate a scene. This interactive experience is especially loved by children!

Here, you can admire the rolling hills of central Germany and the celebration towns, follow a train winding through the mountains of Austria and Switzerland, turn over snow mountains covered with ski lifts, and even have a runway with a model airplane (and occasionally a model wasp) taking off and landing at regular intervals. In less than five minutes, you can go from a small Swedish town with dog sledding by the side of the road, past the Vatican's St. Paul's Cathedral, to the Samba Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One minute you're in America watching a rocket launch, turn around and you're interacting with penguins in Antarctica.

In addition to the general visit, Microworld also launched a VR game (virtual reality game) experience for an extra fee, with three options of 10 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes. Because I used to get dizzy when I played VR games for a long time, I ordered a compromise 30 minutes.

The VR game area and the model exhibition area are separated, the decoration style is quite sci-fi, and the staff are all young people in their twenties. After showing the QR code, everyone will receive a card to hang on their chest, and after activating the card on the machine in the lobby, they can wait for the venue with peace of mind.

Ready, the clerk pulled open a door and let us in. In the bare room behind the door there was a large disk with six stations arranged on the edge of the disk, and in front of each station there were two glass plates like an open book. The six of us had to choose a position to stand, put on VR glasses, and then press our hands against two glass panels. After wearing VR glasses, the virtual world and the real world began to intermingle: on the one hand, I was amazed to look at the virtual world that surrounded me 360 degrees in front of me, which was a colorful and antique large room, and there stood a lady wearing glasses (should be our guide in the game, of course, a virtual character) speaking to us; On the other hand, I can still see my companions, and we stand exactly as we did before we put on our glasses, as if we were all still in reality.

Before we knew it, a series of virtual characters began to roll outward from the center of the disc, and we were told to turn the disc and choose a holster for ourselves in the VR world. Then I realized that the handle in front of me was used to turn the disc. After a rough operation room, my image was selected, but what was chosen, even I did not see clearly.

All of a sudden, I saw something like a glass capsule that I've only seen in science fiction come down from the sky and grab my companion across from me completely. Two others were also detained. Although I knew it was only a game, I was still a little afraid, and quickly turned around to confirm that I was not detained, and saw that my back was empty. As soon as I looked back - hey, the three companions who had just been detained had turned into colourful avatars! So this is a transformation ceremony! Just then, a glass capsule snapped off my head. I quickly turned to look again and saw that behind me was really the bulkhead - I was in the transformation module too! "Sizzle -", my left breast vibrated like an electric shock, which made my heart startled. Although I knew this was a game effect, I was still shocked, as if my body had really changed.

I saw Jacko, who was closest to me, turn into a little yellow duck superman wearing a hooded eye patch and underwear. The young mother next to Jerbo turned into a flower fairy with butterfly wings, which I admired very much. I was anxious to know what had become of me, but I could not see without a mirror. But when I looked down and saw my thick boots on my feet and lifted my hand to see my red, muscular arms, I knew I couldn't be a beautiful woman in the VR world.

There's no time to regret, because -- Miss Guide's back on the spell! I stood where I was and looked up to see the ceiling moving away and everything in the room getting bigger -- we had all become little people!

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a train dining car appeared on the left side of the room, with a bartender behind the bar mixing drinks. There were also glowing footprints under our feet, signaling us to leave the disc and enter the car.

It was clear to me that while the VR world seemed spacious, we were still in the real world space. In my judgment, the distance between the train car and me was beyond the scope of the real room. I hesitated to move forward for fear of hitting the wall. Two pirates were the first to jump on board. Though they were marching strangely on their knees, they moved with great dexterity. Finally, I also assumed the posture of feeling the stones across the river, step by step carefully into the carriage. I know that when the player is about to hit the obstacle in reality, the VR world will appear red honeycomb.

When everyone was on board, the carriage closed -- and the wall opposite the entrance opened like a rolling door! Railroad tracks and the Grand Canyon! With our screams, the train started. Shocked and a little scared, I quickly held on to the train window, and I could see out the window that another train was driving alongside us, and the passengers inside were -- oh! And giraffes! Still waving at us! Isn't this Zootopia? ! That's outrageous!! Jerbo and I held on to the window and laughed so hard we could barely stand.

As soon as the giraffe's smile disappeared from view, the train stopped moving. Then a tone came through our headphones telling us that the train had broken down, that it was dangerous to remain here, and that we had to abandon the train and find another way out as soon as possible. This gives me a clear idea of the game's design: it's an adventure game, and our goal is to get back to the lab that made us smaller when we started.

The car opened, and I followed my teammates, confused, onto a simple wooden wagon with wheels under the planks that allowed me to glide over the tracks. The cart lurched left and right into a mine hole, particularly like a scene from an old mobile game, Temple Run. The two pirates knelt on the front of the board and turned a wheel wildly. I didn't have time to get into it. I was screaming. We screamed at the highest decibel level as the board car hit the wall - it was pitch black.

The next time we could see clearly, we were on a simple wooden platform in the midst of a cliff, facing the abyss below us -- but look up! Railings and electric lights and human faces in the gap between the mountains! Wait, how come we've seen this environment before? Isn't this the Swiss mountain in the microcosm we just saw? ! After we became small, we were sent into the microscopic world!

At the cue of the indicator tone, we found a mountain elevator and stood on it. I can't remember the exact sequence of what happened after that because there were so many different scenes and so many ridiculous things. Everything is like a dream about an adventure, wake up to remember only a few fragments of memory: I remember being sucked into my aunt's vacuum cleaner, I remember climbing into a wasp plane in a warehouse full of pencils, we landed in front of a burning house, met a crew of firemen, and then suddenly we had a water gun on our virtual arms and started putting out the fire, and then we got on a raft, Cows with diving goggles pushed our raft into deep water... The physical experience of VR games is completely different from computer and mobile games. Because in the VR world, clicking the mouse and tapping the keyboard is far from enough, you must mobilize the whole body, walk, squat, jump, and make various actions according to needs (but must not run, because the field is limited in reality).

We also stumbled into a strange area. At first I thought I was just walking into a long, narrow room with a door at the end. I opened the door and came out onto a balcony. Right across from the balcony was another identical balcony where three of our teammates were waving at us. The only access to the balcony was through another door, which was the same room as the one before. We opened the door at the end of the room again and found ourselves on the balcony again, with our teammates walking on the opposite balcony - only this time they were walking in the vertical direction! It was repeated again, this time to find our teammates walking on top of us! I said, "This is a warped space! We're in a three-dimensional maze!" As soon as I said that, I began to admire my understanding of game design, and then began to imagine my own story of finding clues and leading a team out of a maze with the keen information capture skills trained by years of text reading. But before the imagination is finished, the maze is finished.

Near the end of the game, the character in the signer finally shows up -- it's Super Mario! He warned that there was a big rat nearby! We quickly hid in a small warehouse-like place under his guidance, but the big rat with the evil red eyes kept trying to get through the window. To be honest, even if you know it's fake, it's pretty scary to see a monster rat face coming up against your own face. I kept reminding myself in my mind that "this is all fake", and at the same time put on a defensive posture, determined to prepare for battle, and then moved myself - I am so brave oh.

But the game's designers apparently didn't plan for the players to fight, and the rat just shook and disappeared. Then Mario announced that we were on our way back to the lab for a group photo. After taking photos in high spirits, I was looking forward to experiencing the final outcome of customs clearance, and suddenly the screen was black, and I could only hear the indicating tone in the headset.

I reluctantly removed my VR glasses and was forced to return early to the real world, only to discover that we had left the room where the game started, in a large room that was just as bare, but much more spacious and empty. A staff member came to take my VR glasses and told me that there was a problem with the equipment and we had to end the game early. There are two other teammates in the same situation as me. We stood by and watched in silence as the three remaining teammates (Jaibo was one of them) slowly walked around wearing helmet-like VR glasses, making little movements in their hands and smiling into the air - people in VR world feel that the line between virtual and reality is blurred; But people in the real world look at people immersed in the VR world the way people who are awake look at sleepwalkers.

Let's just say every corner is touching. It is recommended to spend more than 2 hours here. I can stay for a day. I can't stay all day to see it. One day is not enough. What a project.


  1. As miniature landscape World is very popular, it is recommended to book tickets online in advance.
  2. Try to choose non-weekend or holiday weekday visits to avoid peak traffic.
  3. The whole exhibition area is very large, it is recommended to reserve at least half a day.


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