Interesting crosswalks in France attract attention!

In the 19th century, with the progress of science and technology and the wave of the industrial revolution, cars began to emerge gradually, and gradually replaced the traditional carriage, becoming the new favorite on the city streets.

With the change of this means of transportation, people realize that the importance of traffic safety has become increasingly prominent. Therefore, the white "zebra crossing" came into being, they are like a patron saint, lying quietly on the road, reminding every driver to pay attention to slow down and ensure the safety of pedestrians.

The appearance of zebra crossings has undoubtedly added a new chapter to the traffic order of the city. While protecting the safety of pedestrians, they also symbolize the respect and compliance of human civilization to traffic rules.

However, in France, a street artist named Oke feels that these neatly arranged zebra crossings, while practical, seem to lack some creativity and vitality.

French artist Vincent Broguire has cleverly transformed the street scene of Rennes in his latest work, Pedestrian Crossing.

Through creative artistic interventions, he transformed common public elements such as zebra crossings, bicycle racks and road signs into 40 captivating characters that redefined traditional road signs in a mysterious and playful way. These works of art find passers-by interesting in the ordinary and provoke new thinking about the surrounding environment and public structures. "Crosswalk" highlights the artist's unique insight into the nature of road signs, challenges the inherent boundaries of elements, stimulates people's desire to actively interact with the city, and promotes a re-exploration of the everyday street.

Through a humorous point of view, the artist breaks the mold with a keen eye, using everyday elements to create novel and joyful forms, while triggering reflections on social functions through art.

Convinced that art and life were intertwined, Oak thought it was time to give the zebra crossings a makeover. He hopes that through his creativity, these zebra crossings will become more eye-catching and interesting, so as to better attract the attention of drivers and remind them that the zebra crossing ahead is a special need to drive carefully.

So Oak began his creative journey. With his own brush and imagination, he turned those immutable zebra crossings into a picture full of interest and vitality.

Some zebra crossings become burning candles, as if to remind people to cherish life; Some have become towering ladders, symbolizing the human spirit of continuous climbing; There is a game of characters into the chaos, people seem to be in a fantasy-filled fairy tale world.

What's even more amazing is that Oak has even turned these zebra crossings into interesting cartoon characters. Some of them smiled and waved, others gave a frightened look, as if to warn people to be safe at all times. The expressions and movements of these cartoon characters are different, but they are full of vividness and vitality, which makes people appreciate and can not help but be impressed by Oak's creativity.

However, opinions on Oak's creative zebra crossing are divided. Some people think the idea is really interesting, not only to make city streets more beautiful and artistic, but also to better remind drivers of pedestrian safety.

However, there are also concerns that these too interesting zebra crossings may attract too much attention from drivers, leading to accidents that would not have happened but instead happen because of these creative zebra crossings.

But in any case, Oak's creative zebra crossing undoubtedly adds a bright color to the city's traffic, and also lets us see the perfect combination of art and life. In the future, we look forward to more such ideas to bring more surprises and fun to our lives.


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