Where to play around York, underground caves learn about

Yorkshire, home to the Yorkshire Dales National Park, is blessed with a landscape that includes more than 2,500 known caves, known as karst, These include The Three Counties, the longest cave in the UK, and the Gaping Gill Cave, which has the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the UK.

Exploring underground caves is like a mysterious journey, full of endless surprises. Enter the mysterious "kingdom" hidden deep underground, you will be placed in the ancient strange stones, as if through another world. The stream in the cave adds a liveliness and vitality to this mysterious place, as if it were a note beating the heart of nature.

For beginners, wearing full caving gear is still difficult. But in the Yorkshire Dales there are also these 3 newbies friendly caves for easy excursions and the wonders of the underground world:

✨White Scar Cave
🎈 : Ingleton, North Yorkshire LA6 3AW
⏲ : 10:00am - 4:30pm
The longest visited cave in the UK, it was discovered in 1923 and is thought to be 200,000 years old, with spectacular waterfalls, fantastic stalagmites and stalactites inside. To enter the cave, you need to form a group accompanied by a guide, and the tour time is about 80 minutes.
The cave gets its name from the color of the steep, rugged limestone outcrop above the cave entrance, where you can see fantastic stalagmites and stalactites, as well as thousands of stalactites from the 200,000-year-old Battlefield Cave. In addition, there are a number of cave shows every year.

✨Stump Cross Caverns
🎈 : Greenhow Hill, Pateley Bridge HG3 5JL England
⏲ : 9:00 am - 6:00 PM
One of the Yorkshire cave shows, located in the heart of the Needdale and Yorkshire Dales National Park. The cave was formed millions of years ago when the Yorkshire Dales area was covered by sea. Sediments from the seafloor eventually formed the limestone that makes up the cave we see today. There is no need to follow a guide to enter the cave, which has 65 steps inside and takes about 40-50 minutes to visit. The cave also holds interesting activities such as light shows and fossil excavations from time to time. Interested friends can go!

✨Ingleborough Cave
🎈 : Ingleborough Cave, Clapham, Lancaster LA2 8EE
⏲ : 10:00 am - 4:00 PM
The cave, 500 metres underground, was discovered in the 19th century and was once home to a stream from the Gaping Gill Cave, with access to Gaping Gill visible from the interior. There is no need to follow a guide to enter the cave. The walk is about 1 km long, and there are cafes and small shops at the entrance of the cave.
The cave is brightly lit and a concrete path leads past stalactites, stalagmites and flowstones, through a kilometre of passages with structures and artifacts dating back millions of years!

✨Gaping Gill
🎈 : Clapdale Dr, Dales National Park, Yorkshire, Clapham LA2 8EE England
⏲ : All day
Gaping Gill is one of the UK's very long and complex caves, and it wasn't until 1983 that members of the Cave Diving group connected the cave to Ingleborough Cave. There is a setup that takes you down (just a few minutes) and then you can stroll around and enjoy the magnificent view under the beautiful floodlights.

  • Note: Please participate according to your personal situation; Please wear helmets and other safety equipment as instructed by the staff


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